VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Speaking exercise

even its a normal meeting. people will not sit straight like this

people are sit quite relaxed.

if you feel she has a sit very instance maybe she is speaking about something they are not quite sure.

after trained by the company and your experience of being a sales person I can read a person better but still not an export.
Especially senior people and the people from small countries.

their speed of speaking, their body language can understand their emotions and attitude to the things they are talking about. I would suggest doing some preparation work like investigate the background of those people you are going to talk with. if he is very calm person and he speaks in a very emotional way it is definitely wrong.

A lot of people are emotional all the time so maybe emotional speaking is just normal.

There is one case that the decision making involves a lot of stake holders both in our company and client side. there are like 6 stake holders in the deal and I missed on of them and it is in the client side. we already start to go through the process of the contract and the missing stakeholder said I know nothing the contract has to be stopped. It is already end of the year and we need to close the deal by end of the year and my boss and I fly to the city the client is in and talk with Him a lot and finally we closed the deal, Bad experience but good result.

They don’t know who is the decision maker and what are the key barriers. they know the principles I am talking about but they don’t know how to take it into action.
you have to figure it out.
Watching how my boss did is one thing and the other thing is like talk more to the client and get more information. some very important clues could be hidden in the info we talk about.

He cannot deal with his internal partners well, nobody likes him but he is the contact window to us. so overtime I propose something which involves the partner he will say no.
That conversation will not go smoothly. I don’t have a lot of solutions to solve this problem usually I just come to my boss and talk to him and my boss will talk to my clients boss and its better.

1: message

its a person who are talking to different audience I na very close distance and he is talking about the benefits of new Colgate total.
its a multifunctional toothpaste with 6-7 benefits.
The man is speaking quite confidently, too confidently
The most important thing is he is speaking with other people quite closely.
everbody has their own confort zone and if you you are like too close to me I will feel strange or even offended.
the tone is humorous

2: target / opinion
I think the message is quite clear, the benefits, it is an innovation. the audience are like working people, you can see the environment everyone is dressed in suits and work together. I think they are talking to working people who want to be confident.

The guy is quite energetic it’s a healthy image in America but in China I don’t think energetic is the most appealing personality in the work situation, more like cars and confidence appearance would be better.

they are implying that Pepsi is not the second coke. in the beginning the woman said that I want coke and he said is Pepsi ok?
The senior man point out that the way the Waite is speaking is not right, asking is Pepsi ok is the wrong way to bring Pepsi to the customer.
One of my friend talked the same idea like Pepsi is not a second. We actually like coke fans.

all the things the man is saying come true but thats not real. / that’s not the reality.
When he comes into his car, change the light. find my music that could be reality if you bought the a series.
men want to manipulate the world and even they cannot they can at least manipulate their own car.

even it’s a normal meeting. people will not sit straight like this/ entirely straight

people are sitting in a relaxed way/manner

if you feel she is sitting in a very tense way/if her posture is very tense maybe she is speaking about something she are is quite sure about

after being trained / after going through the training by the company and your experience of being a sales person you can read a person better but you still won’t be an expert.
Especially senior people and the people from small countries.

their speed of speaking, their body language can show/convey/reveal their emotions and attitude to the things they are talking about. I would suggest doing some preparation work like investigating the background of the people you are going to talk to. if he is very calm person and he speaks in a very emotional way there is definitely wrong/it is the wrong approach

A lot of people are emotional all the time so maybe speaking emotionally is just normal./is just the norm

There is one case when the decision making involved a lot of stakeholders both in our company and on the client’s  side. there were like 6 stake holders in the deal and I missed one of them and it was on the client’s side. we already started to work on the contract/to draft a contract and the missing stakeholder said I know nothing about the contract, it has to be stopped/postponed . It was already the end of the year and we needed to close the deal by the end of the year and my boss and I flew to the city the client was in and talked with him a lot and finally we closed the deal, Bad experience but good results.

They don’t know who is the decision maker is and what the key barriers are. they know the principles I am talking about but they don’t know how to take them into action. / how to apply them.
you have to figure it out.
Watching how my boss did/shadowing my boss is one thing and the other thing is like talking more to the client and getting more information. some very important clues could be hidden in the info we talk about.

1: message

it’s a person who is talking to different people In a very close distance and he is talking about the benefits of  the new Colgate total toothpaste.
its a multifunctional toothpaste with 6-7 benefits.
The man is speaking quite confidently, too confidently
The most important thing is he is speaking with other people quite closely.
everbody has their own confort zone/safe space and if you you are like too close to me I will feel strange or even offended.
the tone is humorous

2: target / opinion
I think the message is quite clear, the benefits, it is an innovation. the audience are like working people, you can see the environment everyone is dressed in suits and work together. I think they are talking to working people who want to be confident.

The guy is quite energetic it’s a healthy image in America but in China I don’t think energetic is the most appealing personality in the work situation, more like cars and confidence appearance would be better.

they are implying that Pepsi is not a second grade coke/an alternative when coke is not available.. in the beginning the woman said: I want a coke and the waiter asked is Pepsi ok?
The senior/elder man points out that the way the Waiter is speaking is not right, asking is Pepsi ok is the wrong way to bring Pepsi to the customer.
One of my friend supported the  same idea/ shares this idea like Pepsi is not a second choice. We actually are coke fans.

all the things the man is saying come true but thats not real. / that’s not the reality.
When he comes into his car, he tells the car to change the light. to find his music.  that could be  your reality if you buy the a series. / if can be your reality provided that you buy this car.
men want to control the world and even though  they cannot they can at least have total control over their own car.


veteran / senior
He is a veteran sales man. he has 15 years experience in sales.

horizontal hierarchy: people behave in quite an equal manner no matter their position
The hierarchy is more horizontal in the US. People talk casually with their boss.

posture: how someone is holding himself
Her posture was showing she wasn’t very confident

control freak: crazy for control
Men are control freaks.

to shadow: to accompany someone silently and observe how they do something
When I was a sales trainee I shadowed my boss for 3 months.

comfort zone: what you feel comfortable doing.
When I was in university, speaking English with foreigners was quite hard for me. I would often panic, it was out of my comfort zone.

safe space: physical distance between people
People in china tend to have a smaller safe space/distance than people in Europe. You notice that when you look at how far apart people stand when they queue.

to identify with someone: to feel similar to someone.
The commercial wants people to identify with the successful actor. If they use this toothpaste they can be successful too.