VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Speaking exercise

The sales asked me what stuff do you want to buy and I answered I would like to buy a scarf  and a dress
And when she her dress she was happy, if the price of the product is expensive if can contribute to her monthly performance so I went to the third floor to try the dress but I think it fits for me but it is very expensive and I told her I will not buy this dress and she was very cold.
Because before that she was very nice. eventually I just bought a scarf.

In terms of the amount of all products.
Before I went there I think it will happens.

In the red book many bloggers share the story how the sales treated them.
Most of the bloggers would buy their stuff.

Some bloggers said that some customers can complain and maybe their attitude would change.

Luxury brands can put their price higher once a year to make sure their valuable

the concrete and specific goal is to earn above 200,000 per month.
I achieve this goal just 1 month last year but I hope I can achieve that every month.

if they put the opinion out many investors would follow before 10,000 maybe there will be a crash

The salesperson asked me what I wanted to buy and I answered I would like to buy a scarf  and a dress.
And when she heard dress she was happy, if the price of the product is expensive it can contribute to her monthly performance / she can get a good commission on it. I went to the third floor to try the dress, I thought it fits me but it was very expensive/the price was steep and I told her I would not buy it and she became very cold. / suddenly her attitude changed a lot / suddenly she became very cold.
Because before that she was very nice. eventually/in the end I just bought a scarf.

If I hadn’t bought the scarf I would have felt ashamed (3rd conditional)

The commission is based / is calculated  on the amount of all products.
Before I went there I thought it would happen.

In little red book many (xiaohongshu) bloggers share stories on how the salespeople treated them.
Most of the bloggers would buy their stuff.

Some bloggers said that some customers can complain and maybe their attitude would change.

Luxury brands can put their price higher once a year to make sure they stay valuable  / to keep the perceived value of products high

the concrete and specific goal is to earn above 200,000 per month.
I achieved this goal just 1 month / I only achieved it once last year but I hope I can achieve that every month this year.

if they put the opinion out / if they release the news many investors will follow before 100,000 maybe there will be a crash


to line up (v) : wait in lines
People used to line up to buy the new iPhone

conversion rate (n) number of people who buy for 100 people walking in the store
the conversion rate in this store is about 20%

to perceive (v) look at in a way  / be aware of
I perceived the signals in a positive way

perception (n)
Drinking alcohol influences your perception

perceived value (n) the value you think something has
The perceived value of masks was very low before the pandemic.

upside (n) potential to go up
I think there is still a lot of upside

narrative (n) story
The narrative of Luckin coffee is that it is the Starbucks of China

downside (n) potential to go down
I don’t think it is the bottom, there is more downside.

net worth (n) total value of all assets that one possesses
He invests part of his net worth in gold.

accumulation (n)
The price is not moving much, we are in an accumulation phase

ticker (n) : the letter of a stock or asset
The ticker for the US dollar is USD

to accumulate (v) get more and more
Banks started to accumulate before releasing news about it

conservative (adj) traditional / not taking too much risks
He is quite conservative with his investment strategy, he doesn’t want to take too much risk

cycle (n) big trend  / series of events
we have entered a new cycle

rare (adj) not common
Luxury brands want to remain rare else no one would want to buy them anymore

