VIP Class Notes (Tibo) (S)

Speaking exercise

Now she stays at home.
I guess I just spend time with my pets and my parents.
Now she is very lively, she jumps everywhere and she wants to eat human food.
I give her some pieces of mantou. During the dinner with my parents she stay around us to beg for some food.

It is traveling program for young people.

I sent my CV to the job hunters, I guess after the spring festival there will be more and more job chances.
Now I am focusing on reviewing the past brands and learning English and looking inside and spending time with my parents.

the online media is not good for trump.

if you hear this thing happens in Turkey or in the Middle East you will think it is normal but it is not peace there but in America it is weird.
It is his fault, I think represents the people who are racist and isolationist.
He is called redneck, the rules are going backward. His face will get America apart.

Now she stays at home.
I guess I just spend time with my pets and my parents. / I decided to dedicate more of my time to taking care of my dog and my parents.
Now she is very lively, she jumps everywhere and she wants to eat human food.
I give her some pieces of mantou. During the dinner with my parents she stay around us to beg for some food.

It is traveling program for young people. / it is a travel programed designed / tailored to appeal to young people.

I sent my CV to job hunters, I guess after the spring festival there will be more and more job chances.
Now I am focusing on reviewing the past brands and learning English and looking inside and spending time with my parents.

the online media is not good to trump. / they don’t support him . they are anti-Trump

if you hear this thing happening in Turkey or in the Middle East you will think it is normal because it is so peaceful / it is not very stable there but in America it is weird.
It is his fault, I think represents the people who are racist and isolationist.
He is called a redneck, the rules are going backward. His face will set America apart. / create a divide in America.

Writing exercise

2020 has passed. Whatever my life was in the past, it’s time to have a new beginning.
Now let me list the goals of 2021.
1. To learn to play blues harmonica. The assessment of this goal will be can I play at least 5 songs with blues harmonica.
2. To keep doing Zen meditation. Now I’m having Zen meditation classes in Yongchan temple. It’s a good trying step, and I will dig more about this. The acceptance level/assessment of this goal is to meditate at least twice a week. And the purpose  is  to stay in a  peaceful state, being aware of my inner side, getting rid of the desires which lead to burn out, and reaching the ultimate state of life.
3. To reduce the time I spend on my telephone / to reduce phone usage / to fight phone addiction, and Tiktok.
In the past months, I found that I was more and more addicted to my phone / I spent more and more time on my phone
 Which means it wasted my time, influenced my brain and got me used to short and superficial pleasures, and turned my emotion to a huge void.
4. Job and economic goals
5. English goals
6. Reading book goals


competition (n) 竞争
There are so many in China and that makes job competition very high because if you don’t take the job someone else will take it for sure

anti : against
CNN is anti trump

pro : in favor
Fox News is pro Trump

vaccine (n) 疫苗
The vaccines are ready

logistic (n) 后勤的 / how things are moved
We decided to have the event in BJ on Jan 4 and in SZ on Jan 6 but we still need to figure out the logistic

thug(n) 暴徒
There are many thugs in this neighborhood , you have to be careful

isolationism (n) 孤立主义
Trump is promoting isolationism

isolationist (adj/n)
He signed some isolationist policies

riot (n/v): violent protest
There was a riot in the capitol

tailor (n) 裁缝
I went to a tailor to get a suit for my wedding

tailor (v) / tailor-make  : make specifically for someone
we tailored the program for young people

assess (v) evaluate / judgement
We need to assess the product launch

assessment (n)
My annual assessment went well

addiction (n) : something you cant live without and which controls your life
I have a phone addiction

to be addicted to (v) :
I am addicted to drugs