VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Speaking exercise

I have a friend so she can help me do that. She helps me to do the make up and we will have a try on 28th before halloween to see if it is successful.
She wants to learn.
Most of the clothes they will do zombie nurses

It is a party in a bar.
I applied for this trip and there are 50 people in the group so we get together and take a bus to the temple to read and copy the scriptures and we will watch a movie about buddhist monks.

in ancient times monks cannot get married.
They get lost from the real world or they feel tired so they want to find the truth of life.

I saw a cartoon, the story is about a teenager who rides a bike to a village and she saw the things happen in the village. People get together to build the tower but don’t know why and they try the best they all have their role and the tower was built higher and higher and one day it broke because it is too high and people try it again.
So the question is life is about this tower there is one day we will die but what is the purpose there is no meaning.

we try our best but when it goes too far it affects your life and you go for these things

I think monks are tying to get out of this cycle.
At the end of life your memory is all about the car the shoes of the clothes.

Recently I realized that the bad emotions were frustration and upset always came to me so I felt angry at life and didn’t want to do anything.
And it will spend a whole day in this life nothing can change its I want to change this situation so meditation is the first thing that I thought can change this and I can this will happen and I am trying more to realize about the thoughts behind this.

It is like you eat something and it makes you feel happy but eat too much  and you won’t be. Happy is not the things, it is not real things that it happens in anything or anytime. It is not the purpose for you to go for it, you cannot. what you can do is go for the peace and break out of the cycle

I think mediation you focus on your breathing, you focus on now. From this theory it is more efficient and it will reduce the impact of bad emotions.

I have a friend so she can help me do that. She helps me to do the make up and we will have a try/rehearsal on the 28th before halloween to see if it is successful.
She wants to learn. / she wants some practice.
Most of the costumes they will wear are zombie nurses  / zombie nurses are some of the most popular costumes.

It is a party in a bar.
I applied for this trip and there are 50 people in the group so we get together and take a bus to the temple to read and copy the scriptures and we will watch a movie about buddhist monks.

in ancient times monks could not get married. / were not allowed to get married.
They get lost from the real world or they feel tired so they want to find the truth of life. / the meaning of life.

I saw a cartoon, the story is about a teenager who rides a bike to a village and she sees the things happening in the village. People get together to build a tower but don’t know why and they try their best they all have their role and the tower is built higher and higher and one day it breaks because it is too high and people try it again. / start all over again.
So the question is life is like this tower. one day we will die but what is the purpose there is no meaning.

we try our best but when it goes too far it affects your life and you go for these things / you crave for these things

I think monks are tying to get out of this cycle. / escape from this cycle / break free of the cycle
At the end of life your memory is not about the car, the shoes or the clothes.

Recently I realized that the bad emotions of frustration and upset always came to me so I felt angry at life/dissatisfied and didn’t want to do anything.
And the emotions will fill a whole day in this life nothing can change/make me feel helpless I want to change this situation so meditation is the first thing that I thought can change this and I believe this will happen and I am trying more and more to realize the thoughts behind this. / to find the meaning of life.

It is like when you eat something and it makes you feel happy but eat too much  and you won’t be. Happiness is not the things / happiness is not material, it is not real things it happens in anything or anytime. It is not the purpose for you to go for it, you cannot. what you can do is go for peace and break out of the cycle.

I think during mediation you focus on your breathing, you focus on now./ the present.
From this theory it is more efficient and it will reduce the impact of bad emotions. / you won’t be affected as much by bad feelings.


helpless (adj) powerless / nothing you can do
He stood helpless as the fire was burning his house

to crave (v) : desire strongly 渴望得到
I am craving for hamburgers but I must avoid fast food if I want to lose weight.

distraction  (n) something that takes your attention away
Buying new things is a just a distraction to fill the void

to distract (v): take attention away
The TV distracted me from focusing on my work

buddhist scriptures (n) 佛经
I read the buddhist scriptures.

script (n) something you say / prepared text
He read the script during the ad.

rehearsal (n) 排练
There is a rehearsal before the live show to make sure everyone is ready

effect (n)
One of the effects of stress is hair loss.

to affect (v) : alter/ change
The virus affected our life

efficient (adj) 效率高的
He is very efficient at work

efficiency (n)
We use computers to increase our efficiency

material things (n): things you want / things you buy
Monks don’t care about material things

spiritual (adj) : about the spirit /mind
I go on a spiritual trip to the temple

bald (adj) : without hair
A lot of old men are bald

zombie (n) undead
I dressed up as a zombie for halloween

Make up artist (MUA)
We asked a MUA to do the make up for the halloween party

costume (n) : outfit / clothe to look like a character
I bought a zombie costume for halloween




