VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Speaking exercise

We can’t travel abroad so I will plan to travel some nearby places and maybe have some gather with family members.
And I want to meet some friends so I think there will be many events in holidays.
Because our holiday especially the long holiday is a little bit different with other countries because we will shift the routine working days on weekends so the cost of long holidays is longer working weeks.

I don’t like the way to gather the long holiday in the way.
actually we just have 3 days real holiday because another 4 days is our week end.

We have 4 days off in this year because of the lunar calendar the mid autumn festival is in October. it should be the first day of October. sometimes the mid autumn festival will in September.

Some holidays depend on the lunar calendar so it isn’t a fixed day.
I don’t use it except to search for holidays but some people will celebrate their birthday depends on the lunar calendar.
And other some special days in lunar calendars the grandmas have some special events but it is always working days so some ancient customs.

I think the speed of it is similar to the airplane
Many north people worked in other cities because the Shenyang or Dalian are Chinese traditional heavy mechanism cities but nowadays the industries in northern China are not very developed so many north people left their hometown to find jobs or live in other cites especially along the sea.

We have some data about the people flow of north China. The amount of people in North China is negative

he moved to Chengdu permanently
Lots of people will though that T1 cities the life price are too heavy but the daily life in T1 cities is very convenient and the pace is very fast

Maybe people want to keep balance between money and the convenient life so I think Hangzhou is a good choice and the weather of HZ is not bad. The life is very convenient and is almost same with SH and the environment is very good.

HZ has many good choices for commercial or businesses.

The reason of SZ development is because of SZ is very near from SH so because of the rent in SH is very expensive so many companies will located their offices in SH and the located the plant in SZ.

the capacity of trains is much bigger than airplanes so the among of people in stations is at different level
much crowded than airplanes
Maybe the airplane will be the better choice is the time of the train is longer than 2 or 3 hours.

some people entered illegally because there are some roads by river or climb the mountain you can entry to Yunnan from other countries.

we have a travel standard/ travel scale / allowance table the first price limitation includes SH/BJ/GZ/SH and now HZ is included too
And other capital cities are T2. So I think Changsha should be a T2 city
you can lend money to fund government projects and get paid interest

We can’t travel abroad so I plan to travel to some nearby places and maybe have some gatherings with family members.
And I want to meet some friends so I think there will be many events in holidays. / I will have busy holidays.
Because our holiday especially the long holiday is a little bit different with other countries because we will shift the routine working days on weekends so the cost of long holidays is longer working weeks.

I don’t like the trade off of  long holidays / I don’t like that to have a long holiday we need to have longer working weeks before and after
actually we just have 3 days real holiday because another 4 days is our week end.

We have 4 days off in this year because the lunar calendar the mid autumn festival is/falls in October. it should be the first day of October. sometimes the mid autumn festival will be/fall in September.

Some holidays depend on the lunar calendar so it isn’t a fixed date.
I don’t use it except to search for holidays but some people will celebrate their birthday depending/based on the lunar calendar.
And some other special days in the lunar calendar the grandmas have some special events but it is on always working days so some it is mostly celebrated by elderlies

The train is almost as fast at the plane
Many northern people work in/ moved to other other cities because Shenyang or Dalian are Chinese traditional heavy manufacturing/industry cities but nowadays the industry in northern China is not very developed so many northern people left their hometown to find jobs or live in other cites especially along the sea./ in coastal cities. / we see a migration of people from the north to the coast.
We have some data about the flow of people / migration of people of north China. The movement of people in North China is negative

he moved to Chengdu permanently
Lots of people will think that in T1 cities the cost of living are too heavy but the daily life in T1 cities is very convenient and the pace is very fast

Maybe people want to keep balance between income and a convenient life/ the convenience of life so I think Hangzhou is a good choice/compromise and the weather of HZ is not bad. The life is very convenient and is almost the same with SH and the environment is very good.

HZ has many good choices for commercial or businesses.  / HZ is attractive to businesses /

The reason of SZ development is because of SZ is very near from SH/ is the proximity to SH  so because the rent in SH is very expensive so many companies will locate / move / establish their offices in SH and locate the plant in SZ.

the capacity of trains is much bigger than airplanes / trains can accommodate more people than airplanes so the amount of people in stations is at a different level.
much more crowded than airplanes
Maybe the airplane will be the better choice if the time of the train is longer than 2 or 3 hours. / if the trip is longer than 3h

some people entered illegally because there are some path/route through rivers or mountain / there are unmonitored paths you can enter Yunnan from other countries. / you can cross the border illegally.

we have a travel standard/ travel scale / allowance table the first price limitation includes SH/BJ/GZ/SH and now HZ is included too
And other capital cities are T2. So I think Changsha should be a T2 city


approximate (v) give an estimation / rough number
I approximate our guests will be around 200

proximity (n) : nearness in space / time / relationship
Because of the proximity between our offices we often have lunch together

allowance (n) : amount of money you are allowed to spend
The hotel allowance in T1 cities is 800 / night

cost of living (n) : overall price level to live in a place
The cost of living in SH is higher than in CD.

fall (v) : happen on a date
The mid autumn festival falls on a Tuesday this year

emigrate (v) : move to another country
He emigrated in 2014





