VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Today we focused on:

discussed games

Speaking exercise

I am fine but recently my sleep isn’t normal because I couldn’t sleep at night and I sleep during the day and at night I play video games and read some books.
Maybe sometimes I am too excited or play video games addicted so I am not to sleep and then next day I will sleep during the day and it continues.
I like RPG games, recently I play LOL. Recently I play that again.
I don’t play new heroes, I just play some before heroes. My level is very low.
Have you argue with teammates.
Everyone , shoot, middle and top I try all the roles. and

at first if you use ADC, teammates should choose a support hero to help you

recently just one game and sometimes 2 games.

I don’t like ranked matches because my level is low and ranked matches are too stressful.
Sometimes I like go to Internet cafe with my friend. we together and if I am at home I like to play alone.
It is hard and troublesome

last one RPG is JRPG persona and final fantasy 15, good graphics but bad story and I don’t like the way you have to play.
New DLC I haven’t played
I want to buy but maybe next year because this year is hard.
I think some AAA European RPGs have good graphics and good playability but I don’t like the story.
but Japanese RPG I like the story and the level system.
Recently I want to play some RPG games I can make self character and I can choose my name

I am fine but recently my sleep isn’t normal / recently I don’t sleep well. 

I can’t sleep at night so I sleep during the day and at night I play video games and read some books. / I have troubles sleeping at night and because of that I have to take a nap during the day
Maybe sometimes I am too excited or I am addicted to video games so I cannot sleep and then the next day I will sleep during the day and it continues / it repeats. It is a bad cycle
I like RPG games, recently I play LOL. Recently I play that again / I picked it up again.

I don’t play new heroes, I just play the heroes from before / the heroes I know / I am familiar with. My level is very low.
Have you argued with teammates?
I can play every role / I can play everything , ADC, middle and top I have tried all the roles.

if you pick/choose ADC, your teammates should choose a support /healer hero to help you

recently I just play one game and sometimes 2 games.

I don’t like ranked matches because my level is low and ranked matches are too stressful.
Sometimes I like go to Internet cafes with my friend. we play together and if I am at home I like/prefer to play alone.
It is hard and troublesome to play together if we are in different places

My last RPGs were the JRPG persona and final fantasy 15. It had good graphics but a bad story and I don’t like the way you have to play.

I haven’t played the new DLC
I want to buy a PS5 but maybe next year because this year is hard.
I think some AAA European RPGs have good graphics and good playability but I don’t like the story.
I prefer Japanese RPGs because I like the story and the level system.
Recently I want to play some RPG games in which/where I can make my own character and I can choose my own name


MMORPG (n) Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game
I don’t like MMORPGs

cycle (n) 循环
I am eating well and I go swimming everyday it is a good cycle.

nap (n) 小睡
I was tired so I took a nap after lunch

apocalypse (n) : end of the word 世界末日
the game is in an apocalyptic world

apocalyptic (adj)

troublesome (adj) 麻烦 : annoying / which brings problems
player together on the internet is troublesome because maybe we can’t hear each other well.

Internet cafe (n) : 网吧
except last time I haven’t been to an Internet cafe for about 4 years.

traffic jam / heavy traffic / congestion
I was stuck in traffic jams

wizard (n) someone who can do magic 法师
I play a wizard

tank  (n) 肉
I protect my teammates because I play a tank

Playability (n) 可玩性
It has good playability

support  (n) 辅助
I like to play support characters

to curse  (v) say bad words
I cursed the player for leaving in the middle of the game

role (n) 作用
I can play all the roles

jungle (n) 热带丛林
I went to the jungle

jungler (n) : the one playing in the jungle
I played as a jungler and I went top to help my teammate


can + v
I can play well
I can’t beat the boss