VIP Class Notes (Tibo) (s)

Today we focused on:

discussed the differences between Japan and China

Speaking exercise

It is a big topic. In new China since 1949 because China is closed so Shanghai and every Chinese city were lagging behind / undeveloped
I think big change since 1998. China opened up and our infrastructures improved .
I like the new China better because our life becomes rich and we have more good infrastructures, good house of apartments and we can do everything except illegal.
First we should tell the difference with illegal and criminal. For example illegal like this company maybe they hire you teach us it is illegal because you have teacher degree and work documents so it is illegal but it is not very big deal so they can do that. But don’t do criminal things.

I think I am a true country, basic laws are right but like some places like muslim their law somewhere are not reasonable.
Muslim women must cover their face they don’t have free, they couldn’t drive, they couldn’t do something legal things of other countries.

Japanese are 遵守纪律 / Japanese obey the rules more than Chinese / are more obedient of the rules
Chinese often cut lines in some places but Japanese never do that.
Chinese like throw litter on the ground or spit / they sometimes have rude behaviors 

Chinese people have more creativity than Japanese./ are more creative
If we do a thing we can use more and more ways/ find new ways / be more flexible but Japanese maybe they think it must be this way. / there is only on way to do things. / they are less flexible.

I know a big deal related a man of your country. Nissan they were losing money /  and then they hired a new CEO Carlos Ghosn, he just did 2 things. First he laid off some staff. second thing is he lowered Nissan’s cost and then Nissan got success/ made money / became profitable  but I want to say it is the right thing but if it had been a Japanese CEO he wouldn’t have  done that.
If he lays off staff he will be hated and he won’t keep his position because in Japan normally people keep their job for life.

the company has to hire so many people to manage the bicycles and the bicycles will break.

disadvantage (n) a con / a drawback
A disadvantage of iPhones is that you have to charge everyday

scientist (n) someone who studies science
The scientist discovered something amazing

profit (n) 利润
We increased our profit this year

profitable (adj) Making a profit
at the beginning DIDI was not profitable

mindset (n) Way of thinking
Japanese don’t have a flexible mindset

work overtime : 加班
Japanese workers always work overtime

obedient (adj)顺从的
Japanese people are very obedient

to obey (v) follow orders
soldiers have to obey the general

flexible (adj) 灵活
Chinese people have a more flexible mindset

lifetime employment / a job for life终生雇佣
Before people in Japan had their job for life / were never laid off

lay off (v) 解雇
I laid off some employees because the company didn’t make money with the virus

creative (adj)创意
Tom is very creative

creativity (n)
I don’t like dragon ball super because it lacked creativity

behavior (n) 行为
He has a good behavior

cost (n): 花费
We reduce our cost because we want a bigger profit

to spit (v)  突出
sometimes people spit on the street

free (adj)

freedom (n)

Middle East 中东
I travelled to the Middle East

to cover (v)  hide under 遮盖
She covered her pimple with make up
I covered my head with a hat

muslim(n/adj) 穆斯林
Xinjiang’s muslims are more open than Middle East countries

lag (v/n)延迟 /lag behind (v)落后
I played a game on the internet but there was too much lag
We were running but Tom was very slow, he lagged behind us.


except : 除了
We can do what we want except if it illegal

expect 预计
I expect a big rain tomorrow

more good -> better
more bad -> worse