VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]


Review the pdf
Describe this bar chart:

Today we focused on:

Describing graphs

Speaking exercise

both smartphones and feature phones are at the same trend -> follow the same trend / show a similar trend

+ speed
It increased rapidly
It decreased slowly

It continues to increase but slower than before
The speed of the increase is slowing down

How to talk about graphs:

1 : Explain how to read the graph (key)
2: Global trend  / overall development
3: More specific explanation in a specific time period / specific explanation about one element
4: Comparison between elements / give an idea of scale
5: patterns?


to double : 2x
I doubled my investment

to triple 3x

to quadruple 4x

plateau (n/v) 稳定期
It plateaus at $5

 exponential (adj) 越来越快的 (x) x po nen sial
Smartphones show and exponential development

axis (n) 轴
the horizontal axis represents the years

linear (adj) 直线的 (+)
My salary increase linearly but cost of living increases exponentially .

piggy bank : 储蓄罐
I had a piggy bank when I was a kid.

to stabilize (v): to become stable
The price stabilized between $4.50 and $4.60

pattern (n) something that repeats itself 式样
We notice a pattern in the sales of phones, they always increase in Q3.

to represent (v) : 代表
the blue line represents the sales of feature phones

practical (adj) : down to earth / looking at usage
My boss is very practical

to reverse (v): change into the opposite direction
I drove the car in reverse
The price went up in the first month but it reversed and it decreased in the second month.