VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Speaking exercise

I worked out, I exercised power and swimming
I work out twice a week and recently I go to swim.  I like swimming because the summer.
I swim in the gym.
in summer swimming pool so many kids they learn how to swim.
I haven’t learned from instructor , I learn by myself.
I often go to swimming pool so when I swim maybe 20 or 30 times I can swim by myself

at First time I swimmed in kids pool this is ok I am not scared. Until I can swim well so I go to the adult pool

One time I learned after my classmate in swimming pool. When he jumped to swimming pool I jumped too but I didn’t thought this is adult pool that time I couldn’t swim by myself so I almost died. The lifeguard saved me. He gave me a stick and I held it back to safety.

I think before Chinese aren’t rich and they are simply to life but now Chinese life is enrichment and parents get their kids to learn swim from instructors.

Sanya is ok and I like to go to a Japan place.

sometimes they give me a surprise and sometimes we go to the amusement park.
my friends told me SH is better than Japan.

I like beach and the sea it is a good scenery and I can play jet ski


I worked out, I exercised power/ I trained my muscles  / I worked on my biceps  and swimming / I did some lifting
I work out twice a week and recently I go to swim everyday.  I like swimming because it is summer / summer is coming.
I swim in the gym.
in summer swimming pool has so many kids they learn how to swim. / there are so many kids at the swimming pool in summer because they learn how to swim.
I didn’t  learn from an instructor , I learned by myself.  / I learned on my own / I am selftaught
I often go to the swimming pool.
after swimming maybe 20 or 30 times I could swim by myself / I tried swimming many times and then I finally managed to swim by myself.

at first I swam in the kids pool / the shallow pool and I felt ok I was not scared / I swam in the shallow pool until I could swim well, then I went to the adult pool  / deep pool.  / Once I swam well enough I moved to the deep pool.

One time I ran after my classmate close to the swimming pool. When he jumped in the swimming pool I jumped too but I didn’t know/realize  this was the adult pool and at that time I couldn’t swim by myself so I almost died.
The lifeguard saved me. He gave me a stick and I held it back to safety.

I think before Chinese weren’t  rich and they had simple lives but now Chinese life is full of possibilities /  and parents get their kids to learn swimming from instructors. / parents take their kids to swimming classes.

Sanya is ok for swimming  / sanya has nice beaches  and I like to go to a Japanese island called Okinawa.

sometimes they give me a surprise and sometimes we go to the amusement park for my birthday.
my friends told me SH is better than Japan. / my friends prefer the Disneyland in Shanghai.

I like the beach and the sea it is a good scenery and I can drive a/ride a jet ski


constitution (n) 体质
men and women have a different constitution

dizzy (adj) 头晕
I drank too much I feel a bit dizzy

version (n) 版本
I use Safari version 10
But the newest one is version 12
Which version of iOS do you use?

gameplay (n) : the way you play the game
The gameplay is not fun

to vomit / to throw up  (v) 呕吐
I drank too much and I vomited

play is only for games or for kids in English
I rode a jet ski
I went to Sanya on a trip
The kids play in the garden
I play on my ps4

enrichment (n) making one richer
I look for self enrichment

to enrich (v) 充实
Learning enriches our minds.

 possibility (n) 可能的选择 / 可能性
The possibility of rain tomorrow is high because I see big cloud
I have too many possibilities, I don’t know what to choose.

shallow (adj) not deep浅的
The pool is shallow.
I didn’t like dragon ball super because it was too shallow
Young students are very shallow.

deep (adj)深的
The ocean is very deep.
I like deep blue
This book is very deep
Tom is very deep.

stick (n) 枝条
The teacher used a stick to punish bad students

self taught (adj) 自学的
I didn’t learn swimming, I am self taught

Weight lifting (n): when you exercises your arms’ muscles
I did some weight lifting

biceps (n) 二头肌
I want bigger biceps

lifeguard (n) 救生员
the lifeguard is always watching the swimming pool

to scare (v): 让害怕
Kids are scared of the dark

explosion (n) 爆炸
There was an explosion in Lebanon

to explode
Something exploded


To swim (swim / swam / swum )

using enough
I don’t have enough money to buy a private island.
I am not rich enough to buy a private island.

adj + enough
when I was 12m I wasn’t old enough to smoke
I am strong enough to carry the bags upstairs
I am surprised enough on my birthday



20  – 30
