VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]


Write about your experience in France. How did you find the country, the people? Was it easy to adapt? Did you like the food?… (use the past tense)

Next Class Focus

For future classes:

Review basic syntax / grammar / past/present/future
Small talks
Social topics (international  / news)
Proposal pitching / presentations

Speaking exercise

I lived in Shanghai 1,5 year. before we lived in BJ. I am from Hebei north of Beijing.
Because also we have a kid so when we are home we speak more French.
But now English is more hard for me.
I like watch movies, Actually now I like to go to the gym.

Starting with this class, as you see I started few class with Tony and few teachers here and I got sick and holiday blabla…
I started working now so for my work I need speak more English so that gives me lot of stress I think I need start again to learn more.

I have a colleague She is Korean, she doesn’t speak Chinese so I have to speak more English.
Even for work or social communication also. This is for her because we meet everyday.
And for my work other parts, sometimes I need meet some designers to a little communication so I need also English.
need some contract but don’t need I write that.
We opened this company but she is very professional for this design thing so our company what we do. So we looking for clients and we also looking for design.
If client ask us, we will looking for design for design some products for them.

I have been living in Shanghai for 1,5 year / I have been in Shanghai one and a half year already/ I came in Shanghai one and a half year ago.
before (that) we lived in BJ. I am from Hebei (province) north of Beijing.
We often speak French at home because of our kid / we often speak French at home because we want our kid to learn the language.
We are used to speaking French at home. We speak French at home, it is a habit.
But now English is harder for me.
I like to watch movies, Actually now I like to go to the gym.

As you see I started few class with Tony and a few teachers here and I got sick and holiday blabla…
I started working now so for my work I need speak more English so that gives me lot of stress I think I need start again to learn more.

I have a colleague , she is Korean, she doesn’t speak Chinese so I have to speak more English.
Even for work or also for social communication. This is for her because we meet everyday.
And for other parts of my work sometimes I need meet some designers to discuss designs/to communicate about estimates so I also need  English.
we need some contracts but  I don’t need to write that. / We need a contract but it is not my responsibility / it is not my part
We opened this company but she is very professional on this design thing.

Here is what we do, ….. we are looking for clients and we are also looking for designs.
If clients ask us for a design,  we will ask our designers to design some products for them.


Starting from today, I won’t smoke ever again.
From now on, I will go to the gym everyday.
I will go to the gym everyday, starting from next week

Used to + infinitive  (past habit)
Used to study
When I was in University I used to study in the library every night.

Used to + Ving (current habit)
I am used to drink tea with sugar.

to ask something to do something (for someone else)
I asked Tom to write a proposal (for Jenny).


syntax / way to build a sentence
There are differences between the Chinese and the English syntax.

historical events – real facts / (real) things that happened in the past
The movie is inspired by historical events / the movie is about historical events / The movie is based on real facts

historical movie / movie talking about History.
It is a historical movie

template / something already pre-made
I used a template for the contract.

embassy (the place representative of a country in another country)
I went to French embassy in Shanghai to get a visa to travel to France next Month.

consulate political structure for foreign diplomacy
There is an American Consulate in BJ.

proposal / a proposition of what you can do on which a work relationship can be based
I told Tom we could design it for him and decided to send him a proposal.

estimate / a proposition of how much something would cost
I calculated our cost and sent an estimate to our client on Sunday.


Do not refer to the French pronunciation.

Gym (Jim / Djim)

Embassy (M Ba sea)

Colleague (Kol e ge)