VIP Class Notes (Tibo) (S)


Why does China want to create a digital yuan?

Speaking exercise

Chinese very like to have meetings.
I think a lot of things and documents can discuss before the meeting
meeting all the afternoon and I take it back home continue working.
we waste time in meetings.

In today’s meeting , the people who attended included IT , business department.

We must know what’s the starting point about it.

as a Chinese I hope it can be accepted by the rest of the world certainly but it must establish on some factors as the power of your country.

If the USA says he is the second I think no country can say it is the first.

America is a developed country so in theory Trump won’t be able to influence the country moves that much.

The government hopes people are all foolish.

If you have the experience studied abroad. these kind of people usually love their country more than people who haven’t.

Chinese people really like to have meetings.
I think a lot of things and documents can  be discussed before the meeting / We could discuss many things before the meeting to save time
we had a meeting all the afternoon and I took my computer back home to continue working. normally I don’t
we waste time in meetings.

In today’s meeting , the people who attended included IT , business department. / IT and business departments attended the meeting today.

We must understand what is their goal / why they start the project.

as a Chinese I hope it can be accepted/adopted by the rest of the world certainly but it must be established on some factors as the power of your country. / it must be built upon power elements

If the USA says it is the second I think no country can say it is the first. / no one dares to question what they say

America is a developed country so in theory Trump won’t be able to influence the country’s position that much.

The government hopes people are all foolish. / are all sheep.

If you have the experience of studying abroad. these kind of people usually love their country more than people who haven’t. / they are more patriotic


sheep (n): 羊/someone who follows without questions
TV turns people into sheep
They follow him like sheep

critical thinking : ability to think about the why of everything
Logic is good for critical thinking

to spy: to watch
The CIA can spy on people’s phone.

phenomenon (n) / phenomena (2+) 现象
This is an interesting phenomenon

to dare 
I don’t dare telling my boss that he is wrong

the grass is always greener on the other side (saying)

fact (n) : what is real
He lies but people don’t realize, they don’t know the facts.

perception (n) : how people feel about something
The perception of tattoos is changing

theory (n) 学说
I understand the theory but how do you use this in practice?

hunch : intuition / a feeling something is good
I have a hunch that this project will succeed.

censorship (n)
the censorship bureau controls the movies that are censored in China

to censor : block from accessing
Google is censored in China

transparency (n): how visible something is 透明
Many companies lack transparency

to lack : not have 缺乏
we lacked good IT systems so we hired more IT people

world’s police: the one bringing order in the world
America likes to act as the world’s police.

process (n) : how you do something
Our hiring process changed because of the virus.

mature (adj) 成熟
blockchain is not mature yet.

regime : 政治体系
citizens don’t dare to criticize the North Korean regime

factor 因素
Profitability was the main factor in our decision

position : rank
China’s position in the world is rising

adoption (n)
the digital yuan will need worldwide adoption

to adopt: 选用
stores adopted alipay very quickly

pilot program : test part before big roll out
the waste sorting started in Shanghai as a pilot program and will expend to other cities in the future.

digital yuan : electronic currency
China is working on a digital yuan

blockchain :  区块链
More companies are interested in blockchain

to make sense: to be understandable  / logical
Our boss told us to go back home to rest because we were all tired and then he told us to have an online meeting at 11pm. It doesn’t make sense

business 业务
The business developers also joined the meeting

agenda : 议事日程
The agenda was not clear so we wasted a lot of time


to establish/build on/upon
mobile payment was established on the QR code technology.

very + adj
Tom is very tall

really +v
I really love cooking