VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Speaking exercise

more discount -> higher/ bigger discount


top result for a search query  / sponsored results 
If you want to be the top result you need to pay.

payment installments : you buy something and separate the payments over a period of time.
I bought a new car over 1 year in 12 installments of 20K.

deferred payment : payment at a later date.
I chose to defer the payment because I am short on cash.

peer pressure: stress from seeing others do something and feeling you need to do it too.
Tom bought a house from peer pressure. everyone around him was buying.

have you married -> are you married? (being married is a status)

at most :  at the maximum
I decided I will spend 10k at most

cooperative games : played between several people in a helpful manner
Alipay launched a cooperative game to create hype around the event

hype : excitement about something
Alibaba created hype around 11/11

gold digger: someone that marries for money.
Tom is a gold digger, he married a rich 70 yo lady and hopes she dies quickly.

lenses 尽头
I bought a lens for my Bday.

money pit/sink : something that takes a lot of money
Smoking is a money pit.

time sink : something that is very time consuming
watching tv series is a time sink.

pit : hole
We decided to dig a pit.

hyper active : very energetic / too energetic
My dog is hyper active.

scarf: what people wear around their neck in winter.
I bought a scarf to hang myself

to hang : to put clothes to dry  / to kill someone by putting pressure on the neck
Tom was hanged for trying to steal a scarf.
I hang my clothes on the balcony to dry.

fabric : kind of material for clothes
My favorite fabric is cotton.

headscarf : scarf worn on the head by arabs.
Many people in Saudi Arabia wear a headscarf.