VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Today we focused on:

Refining expression / improving vocabulary

Speaking exercise

I didn’t go to costco but I know it on the newspaper. I think maybe it is really cheap.
In China some people buy things are proxies.
In the market Maotai maybe needs 5,000 one bottle but in the costco 999 one bottle.

They have some very similar cases in this management. They want to sell something and first they will very cheap people will be crazy to buy this and then there are famous and they will come back the normal price.
I want to try but it is too many people in there.
I want to wait one month or 2 months.

The finally people can find another planet I really think there are aliens maybe one day they will kill us.
If my parents die I will chose to go to mars. I didn’t have anything holding me back I really love it to discover in the world , in the life, always discover something so I will chose go to mars. Maybe I can … the very important thing is I am the first peoples go to the mars so I build this planet maybe I can in the history

I haven’t been to costco yet but I read about it on the newspaper. it seems really heap.
In China some people buy things are proxies.
for example if you buy Maotai In the market it will cost about 5,000 for one bottle but in the costco it is 999 for one bottle.

It is common for new businesses. They want to sell something and first they will be/sell very cheap so many people will be crazy to buy it and then after they are famous and they will increase the price.
I want to try but there are too many people there.
I want to wait one or 2 months.

Finally people can find another planet I really think there are aliens somewhere maybe one day they will kill us.
If I don’t have to take care of my parents I will chose to go to mars. I don’t have anything holding me back I really love it, I want to discover new things in the world , in life, always discover something so I will chose to go to mars. Maybe I can … the very important thing is I am one of the first to go to mars / part of the first wave.

the first peoples go to the mars so I build this planet maybe I can in the history

serial number: number to identify a product
The serial number of that computer is 93943sdafsfw2420240.

to learn the ropes : to learn how to do something
It took me 1 month to learn the ropes of how to sell insurances.

official store :store from the official brand
I went to the apple official store to buy a new phone.

wave波浪🌊 / 涌现的人
I didn’t swim because the waves were too strong.
The first wave of Chinese people going to America came from Guandong.

I think Saturn is beautiful.

to reach out for something : to try to get something
He reached out for help but no one answered.

to force: make someone do something against his will
My boss forces me to work until 9pm without extra pay

prototype : first model/version
They showed us a prototype of a new electric car but the final version will not be available before 2025.

proxy 代理人
I bought it as a proxy for my father.

to colonize : to make one place your own
We may colonize mars in the future.

vehicle: means of transport
The favorite vehicle of most people is the car.

to attract : to appeal
Most people are attracted to beautiful ladies.

standard: way of judging something
Weight is a standard of Beauty in China.

to greet : to say hello/to welcome someone
They hugged us as a greeting.

salary 工资
I want to have a higher salary.

charming 有魅力
He is charming

generous : likes to give a lot
My boss is very generous, he always pays for dinner.

prior to : before
If you have bought an insurance product prior to the accident you don’t have to worry we will pay the hospital for you.

to circulate : to spread : to become viral
The picture circulated on WeChat.