VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Next Class Focus

Review how to pronounce the past tense (ED)

Today we focused on:

Open discussion and refining expression

Speaking exercise

This is a new opening supermarket in Shanghai. I would like to buy something because I saw those pictures. It looks nice and fresh.
This is the new kind of way of business. They selling member card and the quantity of their goods are very big so you one time buy a lot of them so you can get comparably low price. and the last week we talked about trade war. Last day I saw trump’s twitter he said we don’t want to be china’s slave anymore.
Their meat and beef are very high quality so if they keep the quality they will continue to be successful.
Now I prefer order online at Hema. it is convenient but sometimes I find the price is expensive and they are overpacked. They use a lot of plastic bag.
So I think it is not a good way. If they can change to paper bags it would be better.

This is a newly opened supermarket in Shanghai. I would like to buy something because I saw those pictures. It looks nice and fresh.
This is a new business model. They are selling membership card and the quantity of their goods are very big / they only sell large quantities / they sell in bulk.

You buy a lot at once so it is cheaper.  and the last week we talked about the trade war. Yesterday I saw Trump’s twitter he said we don’t want to be China’s slave anymore.
Their meat are very high quality so if they keep the quality they will continue to be successful.
Now I prefer order online at/on Hema. it is convenient but sometimes I find the price is expensive and they are overpacked. They use a lot of plastic bags. So I think it is not a good way/ it is not environmentally friendly. If they can change to paper bags it would be better.


clueless : not having clues/ not knowing much something
He appeared clueless during the meeting

shortsighted : considering the short term future
Jack Ma appeared shortsighted during the conference.

to admire: to think highly of something/something
I admire Musk.

energy source: a way of making/getting energy
Coal is the main energy source in China.

air pollution : smog
Smog is a big problem in Beijing.

conspiracy : secret plot
Some people believe in conspiracy theories.

to expend : to get bigger/larger
The universe is expending.

in bulk : in large quantities.
I asked the factory for 2 chairs but they refused because they only sell in bulk.

waste sorting / waste segregation: 垃圾分类
Shanghai started  waste sorting in July

caption : text under an image
The caption was in Russian so I couldn’t read it

business model: way of doing business.
Costco has a different business model than Walmart.

riot : A violent movement against something breaking the public order
There is a riot in HK.

protest : a movement against something
It started as a peaceful protest

to circulate : to spread out
The rumor circulated on WeChat.

worth it : 值得
It wasn’t worth it to buy the membership card because I was just traveling there.

pre-sale  : selling before the normal time
I bought it during the pre-sale and saved 100CNY.

prototype : first version of a product
They built a prototype for the phone but the final product won’t be exactly the same.

to coincide : to happen at the same time
My birthday coincided with the spring festival.

coincidence : something that isn’t planned
It was a coincidence that I met my ex on the street.

prior : from before / previous
I want to review the prior vocabulary
I want to have a shower prior to my meeting.

cashier : person handling payment in a store
I went to the cashier to pay.


Over+word (too much)
overcrowding : being too crowded
overcooked : cooked for too long
Overwork : people suffer from overworking.
Overprice : priced too high / too expensive