VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Speaking exercise

When I was a child I watched a video which talking about the factory kill animals and I feel sad so that is the reason I decided to become a vegetarian. It is a little bit easy when I was a child. right now that would be more difficult because a lot of delicious food. It it beginning very early so I will not feel very difficult . My mom and dad shocked because they thought I was a mean lover so they were surprised that I decided to become a vegetarian. I loved meat before after I made this decision I still want to take a meat to eat when I watched TV and when I want to open it I didn’t realize that I am a vegetarian right now and when I open this package my mom said should you become a vegetarian why you still eat this. I had become a vegetarian.
If for now to begin a vegetarian it is harder for me.
When I start to work some of my colleagues they will be a vegetarian at some time.

to talk someone out of doing something: convince someone not to do something.
If I order some dishes with meat I will tell the waiter to put it on somebody’s else dishes.
the truth is not because meat cannot be fat. If you want to try some fried meat that will be difference but the normal meat won’t let you be fat and will let you get less rice because you won’t feel angry fast. but if you eat vegetables you will feel hungry very soon. After be a vegetarian I eat so many junk food because I feel it is a little boring just some vegetables.
my friends and my colleagues they told me you should eat some fish or seafood because they have the protein too and won’t let you feel hungry so they told me all the time when we together.

they will feel very strange and maybe you will be put aside, you are not a normal people. you are strange.

When I was a child I watched a video which talking about the factory which kills animals/the slaughterhouses and I felt sad so that is the reason I decided to become a vegetarian. It was a little bit easier when I was a child. right now that would be more difficult because of a lot of delicious food. It began very early so I didn’t feel it was very difficult / it wasn’t a hard choice/decision.
My mom and dad were shocked because they thought I was a meat lover so they were surprised that I decided to become a vegetarian. I loved meat before after I made this decision I still wanted to have meat. when I watched TV and when I was ready to open a meat snack I didn’t realize that I was a vegetarian right now/ I didn’t realize that it was meat and when I opened it my mom said You are vegetarian, why do you eat this? / I thought you were vegetarian? / aren’t you vegetarian?

If I were to begin being vegetarian now it  would be  harder for me.

When I started to work some of my colleagues were vegetarian at some time.

If I order some dishes with meat I will tell the waiter to put it on somebody’s else plate.
it is not true/ Actually it is wrong because meat can be without fat/ meat can be very lean/ meat can be mostly muscles. If you want to have some fried meat that will be different but the normal piece of meat/steak won’t let you get fat/gain weight and will make you eat less rice because you won’t feel hungry fast. but if you eat vegetables you will feel hungry very soon/very quickly. After becoming a vegetarian I had so much junk food because I felt it was a little boring just having vegetables.  / it was too simple . too bland
my friends and my colleagues told me you should eat some fish or seafood because they have proteins too and won’t let you feel hungry so they told me all the time when we were together.


lean : no fat , just muscles
I try to only eat lean meat in order to lose weight

bland : lacking taste
Only eating vegetables can be a bit bland

to talk someone out of doing something: convince someone not to do something.
I tried to talk her out of becoming a thief but she didn’t listen and now she is in prison.

slaughterhouse : where animals are killed for food.
I watched a video about slaughterhouses and it made me feel sad.

to slaughter : to kill in a violent way
The battle was very quick, army A had guns and army B only had knives. Army A slaughtered army B.

a slaughter : a big killing
There were many campus slaughters in the US.

to miss : think a lot about something.
I haven’t seen my cat for a few days, I miss it a lot.

split the bill / share the bill
When we eat with friends we usually split the bill.

mindset : way of thinking
Your mindset influences your performance at work.

lifestyle : way of living
Being vegetarian is a lifestyle.

restrictive : more limited
being vegan is more restrictive than being a vegetarian

ingredients : what is used in a recipe
Ingredients for a cake include : Chocolate, flour, water, sugar…

man-made : not natural
There is a man-made lake in the city.

unlikely : which probably won’t happen
There are no clouds in the sky, it is unlikely to rain today.


second conditional:
talk about something unlikely in the present
If + past simple , would + present simple

If I had a gun, I would shoot the birds.
if I had a lot of money, I would travel around the world.
If I dyed my hair purple, I would stand out on the street.
If houses were cheaper I would buy several for my birthday.
We would all die if aliens came to earth.