VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]


Why do you think that bitcoin is dangerous?

Speaking exercise

I think it is not very good, my mother buying some bitcoins I think it is not safe but I don’t know it very much.
I think the internet companies would like to be in this industry.
I like alipay, in the beginning Alipay had many discounts so I have already get used it and Alibaba is bigger than Tencent. I use WeChat pay because we use WeChat to have conversation so we transfer money in WeChat . so most of time we use WeChat to transfer Money so in WeChat I have  some change so I use WeChat to pay. But WeChat pay has a disadvantage… when I take back money from WeChat to my  they will take me 0.1%. Alipay has 5000 a month for free but WeChat has no limit. I always spend it.

I want to try to study but I don’t use one roll of film

I think it is not very good, my mother bought some bitcoins  and I think it is not safe but I don’t know it very much./ I am not familiar with it.
I think internet companies would like to be in this industry./ would like to have a foot in this industry/ have a presence in this industry.
I like alipay, in the beginning Alipay had many discounts so I have already got used to it and Alibaba is bigger than Tencent. I use WeChat pay because we use WeChat to have conversations/to communicate so we transfer money in WeChat, it is easy. so most of the time we use WeChat to transfer Money and I have  some change on my WeChat balance.
I use WeChat to pay. But WeChat pay has a disadvantages/drawbacks… when I take money back/withdraw from WeChat to my bank account they will take 0.1% fee/commission. Alipay has 5000 a month for free but WeChat has no limit. I always spend it.

I want to try to study but I don’t use one roll of film


drawback / disadvantage 缺点
One drawback about working in Alibaba is that we do 996.

advantage 好处
One advantage of JD is that it is very fast.

to develop a film:
after shooting a roll of film I need to send it to the shop for them to develop it.

I didn’t buy Iqiyi’s vip because the fee is too high.

commission 手续费
The bank takes a comission on money transfers to other banks

film camera : 焦俊相机
I have an old film camera.

bank account 银行账户
I am so rich, I have 95 bank accounts (with a 1cny balance)

bank account balance : money on an account
My account balance is low, I need to eat instant noodles.

instant noodles 方便面🍜
If I didn’t eat it for a long time I will miss it.

disgusting 恶心
After eating instant noodles for 1 week I felt it was disgusting.

limit / quota 额度
There is a limit on how much I can withdraw from alipay everyday.

to withdraw : to take back 取回
I went to the ATM to withdraw some money.

to deposit : 存入
I went to the bank to deposit all the red envelopes for my birthday.

red envelope : 红包
I like red envelopes.

transfer 转
My friends transferred money to me on WeChat
I went to the bank to make a transfer.

discount 活动
There was a discount on instant noodles so I bought 10 packs.

cryptocurrency 密码比
I don’t trust cryptocurrencies.

DSLR : Digital Single Lens Reflex
I don’t like DSLRs they are too heavy.

digital 数码
Bitcoin is a digital currency.

plan : 版本
I have the mobile plan for Iqiyi.

mirrorless cameras 微单
I bought a mirrorless camera because it is light.

word+less = not having word
This is a mirrorless camera -> it doesn’t have a mirror
Tom is jobless -> he doesn’t have a job
I use wireless earphones.

word + free – no
This icecream is sugar free. -> no sugar
In the airport I can buy things tax-free. -> no tax.
I will take my drink ice free.

milk tea 奶茶
I like to drink milk tea.

bitcoin 比特币
the price of bitcoin changes a lot.

to spend
I spent a lot of time shopping last week end.

to get used to something/someone 习惯
I already got used to Chinese food.
I got used to Tom, when he told me he would leave I felt sad.

I have already … 我已经。。。。
I have already finished my job. (present perfect)
I already packed my bag, I am ready for the plane.(past simple)

I have lost my keys (present perfect) -> ( effect on the present)  ( I am in front of the door, I can’t open it!!!!)
I lost my keys (past simple) -> (no effect on the present) ( I already have new keys)