VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Next Class Focus

cover in more details when to use the past perfect.


What did you do last week end? (use the past tense)

Speaking exercise

In new year holiday my family was go to the Shaoxing and my uncle, aunt, grandparents is living there.
In there we play fireworks and ate a nice dinner. My mother’s relatives  got red packets.
I like Chinese new year because I can got many red packets and can eat many good dishes. I came back to Shanghai yesterday afternoon. I was happy to come back because I can play with my cousin.

In the new year holiday my family went to Shaoxing. My uncle, my aunt and my grandparents are living there.
In there we lit/used fireworks and ate a nice dinner.

My mother’s relatives gave red packets to me / I got/received red packets from my mother’s relatives.
I like Chinese new year because I can get many red packets and can eat many good dishes. I came back to Shanghai yesterday afternoon. I was happy to come back because I can play with my cousin.


to light (light fireworks / light a candle/ light a fire) 点燃 [Light / lit / lit]
I light a candle at night.

I like to eat Chinese dishes.
We had 5 dishes that night.

relative 亲戚
We visited our relatives during the new year.

fireworks 烟花
When we used fireworks that day we were very happy.

hero / 英雄
I like to play this hero.

character (someone in a movie / game)
I don’t like the main character in this movie

red packet 红包
I got red packets from my grandparents.

snacks 小吃
I like to eat snacks when I watch a movie.



study / studied / studied
see / saw (past) / seen (past particle)
teach / taught / taught

Present simple:
Today, I study English.
I go to school at 8am.
I play piano after school.

Present continuous  (be +vIng):
I am studying English.
They are playing Ping Pong in the garden.
I am talking with my father.
She is writing some homework.

Present perfect (have + past particle):
I have never been to Beijing.
We have lost the game.
I have finished my homework.
My friend has seen the movie.
I have visited my grandparents during the holiday.

Past tense

Past simple:
I played basketball yesterday.
I just had dinner.
I finished the book last week.
Mother taught me math yesterday.
We ate KFC last week.

Past continuous (be +vIng)
She was writing some homework this morning.
They were playing Ping Pong in the garden last week.
My classmate were listening to the teacher yesterday morning.
We were playing soccer during last summer.

Past perfect (had + past particle)
I had never been to Beijing.
I had been to Shanghai once before I decided to work there.
We had never visited my uncle but last week we decided to go see him.
I had never been to HK.

I came to Shanghai in 2014 (past simple). I went to Hong Kong in 2015 (past simple) I had been to Japan in 2013 but I had never been to China before 2014 (past perfect).



