VIP Class Notes (Tibo)


it wasn’t me (Shaggy) song

Speaking exercise

It is the first time that I saw the people very not uncrowded.
Both temple and train station.

the 7th of feb because this year is my year in the Chinese zodiac

I just want to try to believe that, pretend to believe that

I came back that day because I heard if we book the hotel we have to test the covid.

I think it is ok if the company is the best company you can let people know that financial companies are safe and trustworthy.

pretty sure is not sure enough , you need to be certain

The cheetos is so good that you even want to steal other people’s.
Even when they catch you you still say it wasn’t me.


It is the first time that I saw this place with so few people. / I was lucky there weren’t many people this time.
Both in the temple and in the train station.

I went on the 7th of feb because this year is my year in the Chinese zodiac

I am not superstitious I just pretend to believe in that

I came back in the same day / I was a day trip because I heard if we book the hotel we have to show a covid test / we must provide a covid test result.

It was about the application to buy a house,

at first he was like paper and after he ate the 3d snack he got back to normal / he went from 2d to 3d.
They want to show the snack is  in 3d.
The ad shows the name of the product / the ad focuses on the word 3D.

we don’t find any information from the application, about the functions/ about what it came do.
the astronauts came back to Earth but they landed on the sea and they sent the help signal  but the main office was busy stacking the potato chips  / didn’t notice because they were busing talking about the snack.


hilarious (adj) very funny
The story was hilarious

to stack (v) 一叠 / put on top of one another
He is stacking cards

stack (n):一叠
He showed him a stack of coins

astronaut (n) 宇航员
He wants to become an astronaut

to manipulate (v) 操作
Commercials manipulate us into thinking we need things that we don’t really need

manipulation (n)

certain (adj)确定的/ 确信的
Are you certain that this will fail?
The boss said he may come tomorrow but it is not certain

poison (n) 毒
He used poison to kill the king

he ate something poisonous and had to go to the hospital

parachute (n) 降落伞
He jumped with a parachute

mortgage (n) 抵押贷款
he went to bank for a mortgage

dominant hand (n) : main hand
My dominant hand is my right hand

right handed / left handed 
I am right handed

superstitious (adj) 迷信的
I am not superstitious

superstition (n)
There is a superstition that if you break a mirror it brings bad luck

incense (n) 香
I burn some incense for dead people

