VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

this time I am not sure why but I prefer to stay at home.

I am not saying I regained my passion.

it is just a couple days before the holiday begin ->

I want it to be something that helps me reach my goal but I don’t know what my goal is / I want it to be a proper stepping stone.

find something that I see the meaning of it -> find something that makes sense for my career  /
Now I know what I don’t want but I don’t know what I really want (yet).

start up from the scratch -> start from scratch again

information is overwhelmed -> overwhelming 

if I know it well enough that may not be something I choose to pursue  -> if I had known it well enough it would not have been what I chose to pursue (3rd conditional)


literacy (n) : competence / knowledge in a specific areas
financial literacy is lower in Europe because talking about money is taboo

double eyelid surgery : surgery to make the eye look bigger
she decide to have double eyelid surgery