VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Today we focused on:

what strategies when answering difficult questions :

gaining time : that is a great question / I agree with the spirit of the question… / I share your concern

escape : I’ll get back to you on that , I will ask my team to get back to you on that…

specific case to show expertise : In this case we did …

Not expressing anything negative directly : the former and potentially the later , we could try to increase the speed it takes to label the case

Diluting responsibility : that is a new policy so it takes time to improve it

Changing the framework : We treat world leaders all the same, including president Trump  , That is a great psychology study that universities would be more able to handle than us…

Speaking exercise

I might be feel like he didn’t push you
if the congressman asked him questions in a more soft way ….

if I were Dorsey and he asked me questions in a soft way I would answer politely.

I might be feel like he didn’t push you -> I might have felt like he didn’t push you enough

if the congressman asked him questions in a more soft way …. -> if the congressman had asked him questions in a softer way .

if I were Dorsey and he asked me questions in a soft way I would answer politely.


2nd conditional -> about the present
If I were CEO I would have a private jet

3rd conditional -> about the past
If I had been CEO in 2019 I would have had a private jet