VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Today we focused on:

more on who / whose / where


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Speaking exercise

I am an optimist I believe in god.


to dig (v) : make a hole
I dig to find the treasure

To bury (v) : cover a hole  / put in the ground and cover
I bury my secret treasure and hope no one will find it

circus (n) 马戏团
Children like to go to the circus

to get married (v) 结婚
They get married at the end of the movie

marriage (n)
Marriage is important in China

wedding (n)婚礼
I went to their wedding

ambition (n) goal / willingness to be successful
Tom’s ambition is to become the world champion of Chinese food
Jerry has a lot of ambition, he works hard because he wants to become manager

ambitious (adj) 有志向的 / 野心
Tom is very ambitious, he works hard to reach his goal

Mount Everest  (n) : the very very very tall mountain / a very difficult goal
he wants to climb Mount Everest
Writing a book is his Mount Everest

tenant (n) 房客  : someone who pays rent to live in a house
Tenants hope to have nice landlords

landlord (n) : house owner
Landlord always hope to have clean tenants

to shoplift (v) steal from shop and pretend you are a customer
He tried to shoplift at 7/11 but he was caught

shoplifter (n) : someone who shoplifts
The (security) camera caught the shoplifter

pessimist (n) someone who believes the world is bad / the future will be bad
Tom is a pessimist

pessimistic (adj)
I am pessimistic about the virus, I don’t think we can stop it anymore

optimist (n) someone who believes the world is good / the future will be better 乐观主义者
I am an optimist

optimistic (adj)
I am optimistic about the vaccine, I think we will all be able to travel abroad next year

orphan (n) kid without parents
His parents died in a car crash and now he is an orphan

dolphin (n)海豚🐬
I love dolphins

Writing exercise

How to use “who,which,that” combine the sentences:
1. Some people were arrested. They have now been released

The people who were arrested have now been released OK

2. A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour.

The bus which goes to the airport runs every half hour.

Are these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.

1. I don’t like stories who have unhappy endings.(F)
I don’t like stories that/which have unhappy endings. OK

2. What was the name of the person who phoned?(T)

3. Where’s the nearest shop who sells bread?(F)
Where’s the nearest shop which sells bread? OK

4. Dan said some things about me they were not true.(T)
Dan said things about me which were not true

5. The driver which caused the accident was fined £500.(F)
The driver who caused the accident was fined £500. OK

6. Do you know the person that took these pictures?(F)
Do you know the person who took these pictures?

7. We live in a world what is changing all the time.(F)
We live in a world which is changing all the time. OK

8. Gary apologised for what he said.(T) OK

9. What was the name of the horse what won the race?(F)
What was the name of the horse that won the race? OK


Tom ate with Gary / Gary is tall

The man (that) Tom ate with is tall

You can remove who / that if it is object

  1. 2  Did you find the keys you lost? = did you find the keys that/which you lost
  1. 3  The people we met last night were very friendly. = the people who (object) we met last night were very friendly

we met people last night / they were friendly

Compare who and whose:
I met a man who knows you. (he knows you)
I met a man whose sister knows you. (his sister knows you)