VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

The SH government decided to test 17k people in 1 night so that why you see their reaction if you were one of them what would you do?/how would you react?
They are trying to do something without common sense  / with no common sense so they say why do you gather us in a small place without social distance and you ask us to be tested then maybe we will be infected because there is no social distance..

Now I think American people don’t use twitter they think the big tech company are censoring them.
Some people are banned/ are under content moderation and they moved their accounts so we can see the real news which is banned by twitter.
Now I become a politics maniac

Because I learn English to try to understand what they are trying to do where they hold their discussions.
People who live in Shanghai are treated as a high risk population who could infect someone with the virus.

They think we are most healthy/ the healthiest people in the world. china is the safest place in the world.
America has 22M people who are infected . a death toll of  230k.

That is ridiculous if you see the truth.
The 20 million people actually they are ok or have mild symptoms so the CCP’s propaganda always tries to maximize your faults and minimize other’s merit and that is the reason why people are not treated as people.
They don’t cherish life, they think life is just data.

I should distinguish myself from young students and my English learning skills.

why I talk this topic -> talk about  / mention

There is an apparent trend Huawei is plummeting sand iPhone sales are rising like a rocket / rocketing /sales are skyrocketing / surging

The mighty Trump keeps imposing sanctions on Huawei and he also the semi conductor companies to prohibit them to sell chips to Huawei so that would the death sentence to Huawei

They all use American sophisticated machinery to produce their chips so that is the point of this section. You can’t avoid using American machinery so that is a big big news. /
In my prediction Samsung, xiaomi and oppo will take/occupy its market shares in 3 years. / fill the void

Indians think we are going to boycott all Chinese products. We are going to rule out Chinese products first from the mobile phones.
Because HTC used android system so google decided to make it’s own mobile phone and they wanted them to backdown and after 3 or 4 years HTC started to lose the champion’s spot.
HTC was EMS and they just make hardware and they borrowed android system to sell these phones. They didn’t have their own brand they just took the chance to become number 1.

you can’t keep stealing other’s intellectual property. / making a products based on stealing IP is not sustainable long term.
At the beginning they stole and they imitated

maybe it is my prejudice on their actions
I have made bets with my friends about who is going to be the American president


prospect (n) potential buyer / likelihood of an event
The salesman met 10 prospects today but he only closed 5 deals
He wants a degree for more career prospects

prospective (adj): potential /likely to happen in the future
One prospective use case of blockchain is to track things

paradox (n) situation that is contradictory
The idea that having the nuclear weapon keeps you safe is quite a paradox. you make weapons to have peace

conflict (n) disagreement / two things that are not compatible
I have a conflict with my boss

perspective (n) view point
From my perspective it is not a good idea

void (n) emptiness
We need to fill the void left by Huawei’s misfortune

motive (n) reason
The motive for the murder was jealousy

demonstration / march / protest (n) when people take the streets
I try to understand why there is a march

asymptomatic (adj) without symptoms
He was asymptomatic

mania (n)
11/11 starts a buying mania

maniac (n) person
I am a manic

fraud (n) the making of fakes
he went to jail for fraud

rig (v) : to manipulate
We will rig the results of the elections

fraudulent (adj)
It was a fraudulent business

fraudster (n) someone doing fraud
Tom is a fraudster


technology (geeee)

tech knowledge
