VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [W+S]

Next Class Focus

prepositions (from / to / on / at ….)

verb nouns (gerund)

nature of words

Speaking exercise

she’s English is good and she said you need to focus on your grammar and how to use verbs or nouns correctly.
Everyday is very busy.

I want to ask you a question before we start the topic, I want to send an email to a seller
I wrote a sentence : we would like to place an order for Asaa 35 mm of 25 pieces please send me your quote / quotation

when I am at work I think about a lot of questions but now I forgot.
I do the listening and the writing, I think I don’t have enough vocabulary.
because I cannot remember the words and the pronunciation I need to speak everyday and a lot of times I can remember the words.
I search some videos online they said you need to. Chinese when we see the words you know but you listen to the words you don’t know so I need to listen the words and I know the English means and the Chinese means . And when I am on the reading I need to know. It is too much.
and too many sounds around so I don’t know who should I listen to 

another people wants me to do writing and she told me when you do the writing you can remember the words easily.

I found a problem for example I do the listening and I cannot catch the key words but when I check the answer I found this word I know.
online shopping

we have a lot of orders or problems in the evening she always wechats me and I answer her is very quickly so you know I think in the past 3 years I spent a lot of my time for work. but I don’t get extra pay so I agree with you. From her perspective answering on WeChat is not work.

if you want to promotion you must do that

her English is good and she said you need to focus on your grammar and how to use verbs or nouns correctly.
I am very busy everyday

I want to ask you a question before we start the topic, I want to send an email to a seller
I wrote a sentence : we would like to place an order for Asaa 35 mm of 25 pieces please send me your quote / quotation

when I am at work I think about a lot of questions but now I have already forgotten.
I did the listening and the writing, I think I don’t have enough vocabulary. / I think I lack vocabulary
because I cannot remember the words and the pronunciation

I need to repeat the words a lot of times to remember them.
I searched some videos online they said you need to listen to the words.
in Chinese when we see the words/characters we know but we listen to the words we don’t know how to write them so we need to listen to the words and we know the English meaning and the Chinese meaning.
And when I am reading I need to know some words / I get stuck because I don’t know some words.
and there are too many sounds around me so I don’t know who I should listen to.

someone else/another friend wants me to do some writing and she told me when you do the writing you can remember the words easily. / she told me to write the words to memorize them.

I found a problem for example I do the listening and I cannot catch the key words but when I check the answer I realize I know this word.

we have a lot of orders or problems in the evening she always wechats me and I answer her is very quickly so you know I think in the past 3 years I spent a lot of my time for work. / I dedicated a lot of time  but I don’t get extra pay so I agree with you. / but I am not paid anything for the work I do at home.
From her perspective answering on WeChat is not work. / it doesn’t count as work.

if you want to get a promotion / be promoted you must do that / If you want her to promote you, you must work extra overtime.

Speaking exercise

In China Taobao is very popular. It is similar to Amazon.
I always order food on Taobao and furniture on Taobao. I am not a good cooker and buy all the food on taobao is very convenience we can choose different restaurants or different dishes.
When I go to the shopping mall I always choose bed or chairs that are very heavy and their style is very only / the choice is very limited / they all look the same but Taobao is very different I can choose a lot of styles.
I think it is cheaper than offline.
I never buy clothes online because I don’t know which size is mine and I cannot touch the materials.
I like to buy clothes offline.

In China Taobao is very popular. It is similar to Amazon. / it is a website and app on which you can buy everything.
I always order food/meals and furniture on Taobao.
I am not a good cook / I don’t have good cooking skills and buy all my meals on Taobao it is very convenient we can choose different restaurants or different dishes. / you can order different dishes from different restaurants  / you have a big choice so you can always try something new.

When I go to the shopping mall I always choose beds or chairs / furniture that are very heavy and  their choice is very limited. They only have traditional styles  / the selection is too limited/ they all look the same but Taobao is very different I can choose a lot of styles. / on Taobao I have much more choice . There is a much bigger variety on taobao
I think it is cheaper than offline. / I think buying online is more interesting from a price perspective / I think buying online is better is you care about the price / if you try to get a cheaper price buying online is usually the better choice.
I never buy clothes online because I don’t know which size is mine and I cannot touch the materials.
I like to buy clothes offline.


count (v) 算作
he won by cheating so it doesn’t count.

character(s) (n) 字
People don’t use the alphabet in Chinese they write with characters

alphabet (n) : ABC 字母表
there are 26 letters in the alphabet

lack (v/n)缺乏
I lack experience
There is a lack of water in summer

promotion (n)
I want to get a promotion

to promote (v)
I want to be promoted

perspective (n) 观点
From my perspective I work too much but from my boss’ perspective I don’t work enough

variety (n) 多样化
The store doesn’t offer a big variety of chairs

various (adj)
The chairs were various

convenience (n)
Taobao brings convenience to our life

convenient (adj)
Buying on Taobao is very convenient

cook  / chef (n) : someone who cooks
I am not a good cook

cooker (n) : machine used when cooking
In China people use a rice cooker

fortunate (adj) : involving good luck
I was fortunate to arrive in time


normal sentence Subject + V
I should listen to you
I don’t know what to do

question V + subject
Should I listen to you?
What should I do?


alphabet (al fa bet)

philosophy (fy lo so fy)

ph = f