VIP Class Notes (Tibo)


Review the PDF on conditional

Speaking exercise

the zero sugar is on trend after covid , for coke the zero it is like a 20% growth in the past 6 months. and the sparkling water it growth 237 percentage in the past 6 months. they are occupying our market share.
-> zero sugar is on trend after covid / has gained popularity , for coke zero we have seen/observed a 20% growth in the past 6 months. and the sparkling water’s growth was 237 percent in the past 6 months. they are taking over / they are stealing our consumers our market share

and doing tea before -> he did tea before / he worked in the tea industry.
Once he finds out some problems with me he will bring them up.

no matter their hierarchy -> no matter their rank / no matter where they are in the hierarchy
I am good at social but I am not good at communicate with bosses -> I am good at socializing but not at communicating

when yesterday the network is really bad. -> yesterday the network was terrible  / unstable
my boss brings it up

I kept going back to home -> back home
I have been back for like 4 times.


hierarchy (n) : position system
as a newcomer I was very low on the hierarchy so I poisoned everyone, blamed it on Covid and became the boss.

rank / position (n) : for a person in the hierarchy
He has a higher rank than me


2. Second conditional:

If I had enough money, I would go to Japan. (message in the present)

-> “add one past to show you go to the past”

third conditional 
If I had had enough money , I would have travelled to Japan (message in the past )

mix conditional : condition past / result present
If I had had enough money, I would be retired now
if I hadn’t said to John we are still waiting for you I wouldn’t have been criticized by my boss


meme (n): funny internet picture
I laughed at the meme

headhunter (n): people offering you jobs and finding people for other companies


to for movement but never used with home
I go to school
I go to work
I go home


12% = 12 percent
the increase percentage was more than we expected
What percentage of growth do you expect?