VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Today we focused on:

discussed black live matter movement

Speaking exercise

we are considering if we need to take her to see the vet

just breath and 30 mins I can wake up
I think it’s good for people to raise their rights

If you just defend it in a peace way it is good but the thing has changed because many of people take advantage of this and do some bad things.
Like to broke some stores and take away the goods.

In my ID card I am minority.
When you go to school, if you want to go middle school you can get priority compared to Han people.
if your points is the same as the other one you get priority

we are considering if we need to take her to see the vet

During my last anesthesia I just breathed and  I was asleep for 30 mins / I only woke up 30 mins after that.
I think it’s good for people to defend their rights  / protest for their rights / protest for what they believe in

If you just defend it in a peaceful way it is good but the movement has changed because many of people take advantage of this and do some bad things.
for example they break into some stores and take away the goods / loot them

on my ID card it is written that I am part of a minority. / I am registered as a minority citizen.
When you go to school, if you want to go middle school you can get priority compared to Han people.
if your points are the same / if you have the same score as other Han students  you get priority.


slavery (n) : practice of having slaves
Slavery is now illegal

jew(n) 犹太人
Jews were persecuted in Germany during WWII

stingy (adj): when you don’t like to spend money
My boss is so stingy, he told us to take the train to GZ because it is 50 CNY cheaper than the plane.

racism (n): prejudice based on race种族歧视
Racism is a big problem in the US

racist (adj)
Tom is racist, he doesn’t like Japanese people

hispanics (n/adj): people from spain / South America
there are a lot of hispanics in the US.

congress (n) people representing the nation in politics in congress
John is a congressman he works in congress.

implicit (adj): something you understand without it being explained directly / stated directly
Tom invited us to his house for a party. At 11pm Tom said he had to work early the next day.
We understood that implicitly he wanted us to leave. The message was implicit

to imply (v) : to make you understand based on context
When he said he had to work early he implied that we should probably leave.

explicit : very direct
He told me he wanted to kill his boss explicitly

bias/biased (n/adj) : preference / decision based on preference for something / prejudice
Trump is biased, he thinks women don’t do as well as men.
a study found that smoking is not dangerous, the study was funding by a cigarette company… the study is probably biased

civil war (n): war between people of the same country
The north of the US was fighting against the south of the US during the civil war which started because of a disagreement on slavery

t0 fund (v) : to provide money for something
The company was funded by borrowing money

funding (n)
Our school lacks fundings

property tax (n) : taxes you pay on houses/appartments
I live in an expensive house so the property tax is high

neighborhood (n) : surroundings of where you live
He lives in a rich neighborhood

loot (v/n) : take something illegally /after winning
Many protesters loot the stores
The winner takes the loots of the war.
I killed the boss and there was a sword in the loots

to rob: to take something with violence
They robbed the bank with guns

to steal : to take something usually without violence
He stole the painting in the night

to break into : enter illegally
A thief broke into our house last night

break in (n)
there was a break in at the bank

to defend : protect
we have to defend our rights

injection (n) : when you put something in the blood
I received an injection at the hospital

to inject (v) put a liquid into the body
The doctor injected me with the vaccine
the central bank injected a lot of money into the economy

castration (n) : surgical operation so that one cannot have babies

to castrate (v)
We are considering castrating our cat

anesthesia (n) : when you inject something to make people sleep
I received an anesthesia before the surgery