VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S + W]

Today we focused on:



Write an email to recommend Sarah for a promotion .

Speaking exercise

I can cook nothing -> I can’t cook anything

Usually we don’t have dinner in home. and eat some fruits. -> usually we don’t have dinner at home, we eat out . we like to eat some fruits.

Usually there are 5 customers on work days and there are 20 on the weekend. / there are 5 customers on work days on average.
Our company has 17 shops/stores in Shanghai. / our company operates in 17 locations in Shanghai
Last month we lost 15% of our usual sales.   / last month our sales were 15% lower than expected.

We think this situation will keep still July -> We think this situation will continue until July

Writing exercise

My husband’s favorite food is eggs which are cooked in many different ways, include fried eggs, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, half-boiled eggs. As for my daughter, her favorite food is French fries and sweet corn, and sometime she likes to eat choc-chip cookies. You asked me what I like to eat? I like to eat as long as I don’t have to cook. Because it take an hour to cook, but only 10 minutes to eat. I think it’s a waste of time. Maybe I will learn to cook after I retire when I’ve nothing to do without work.


My husband’s favorite food is eggs which are cooked in many different ways  / they can be cooking in many ways.
it includes fried eggs, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, half-boiled eggs. As for my daughter, her favorite food is French fries and sweet corn, and sometimes she likes to eat choc-chip cookies. You asked me what I like to eat? I like to eat as long as I don’t have to cook.
Because it take an hour to cook,/ it takes ages to cook
but only 10 minutes to eat. I think it’s a waste of time.  / I think this isn’t time well spent/
Maybe I will learn to cook after I retire when I’ve nothing to do without work. / when I have more free time because I don’t have to work anymore .

Writing exercise

  • greeting (Hi John / Dear Mr Smith)
  • a compliment ( I hope you had a nice week end, I hope you have a nice Chinese new year, I hope this email finds you well (if you don’t know what to say))
  • the reason for your email (I am writing to you about ….. / I am writing to you regarding ….. )
  • a call to action (Could you please …. / please ….. / would you mind Ving…? )
  • a closing message (Thank you in advance, I am looking forward to hearing from you…)
  • signature (Best regards / Cheers / name)

Writing exercise

Situation 1: You send an email to your boss because he needs to approve the event for next month

Dear Lisa,
I hope you are safe
I am writing to you about the event for next month.
Could you please give me one hundred gifts for the event by next Friday? / Could you please give me 100 gifts by next Friday? We plan to give them to the event participants.

Thank you in advance
I am looking forward to hearing from you,

Best regards ,


Writing exercise

Situation 2: contact a supplier and let him know that you haven’t received the delivery which was supposed to arrive on April 14.

Dear Vivian,

I hope this email finds you well,

I am writing to you regarding the delivery of masks. We were supposed to receive them on April 14 but I haven’t received anything yet. / I am afraid we haven’t received them yet.
Could you please check and let me know? / would you mind checking and letting me know?

Thank you in advance,
I am looking forward to hearing from you

Cheers ,



To recommend :推荐
I recommended a good doctor to my friend.

to promote  / to give a promotion 晋升
Tom was promoted because he worked very hard.

location (n) : place on a map
Send me your location on WeChat and I will meet you

to continue (v) : not stop
I will continue to work hard

average 平均:
We have 20 customers during the week end on average.

delivery (n) : 投递/ 快递

supplier(n): 供货商

instant noodles (n) 方便面
I ate some instant noodles because I didn’t want to cook anything.

noodles 面
I don’t really like noodles

dumplings  饺子。。
He ordered some dumplings on Hema.

frozen food: Food which you buy frozen and can keep for a long time
I bought some frozen food because it is convenient

document 文件📃
He sent me a document by email.

attachment (n) : something sent together with an email
the document was sent as an attachment.

to attach (v)
I attached the picture to the email.

to eat out: to eat in a restaurant
We ate out for her birthday.

omelette : 蛋饼
I made an omelette for breakfast

Use I’m afraid + bad news:
I’m afraid the delivery was delayed because of the virus.
I’m afraid I will be late to the meeting.

fruits 水果

watermelon 西瓜🍉



hot pot

situation 情况

education 教育