VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Today we focused on:

Review of basic grammar concepts + countable/uncountable


Tell me what is in your room (use countable / uncountable)

Writing exercise

A worst day
Today is Monday, I have many homework.
After school, I’m tired, because today I have many classes in the school. But I can’t have a rest, because I have English class in the Smart English.
After English class I will go to home. In the home, I’m very very tired . Because this class I ear many knowledge.
But I still can’t have a rest because I also have any homworld.

The worst day
Today is Monday, I have a lot of homework.
After school, I’m tired, because today I had many classes in the school. But I can’t have a rest, because I have an English class in Smart English.
After the English class I will go home. At home, I’m very very tired, because of this class I learned a lot. / thanks to this class I learned at lot.
But I still can’t have a rest because I also have a lot of homework.


subject  (S) 主语
In “Tom runs in the woods” Tom is the subject

noun (n)名词
cat, toy , homework , house are all nouns.

adjective (adj) 形容词
Big, small , tall , cheap , heavy, careful are all adjectives.

Use an adjective with a noun
adj+n -> a big house
             -> a small cat

verb (v) 动词
eat , play , swim , run are all verbs.

adverb (adv 副词
slowly, quickly , carefully , quietly, carefully are all adverbs

Use an adverb with a verb
Adv + V -> I quickly do my homework
-> I carefully drive the car

safe (adj) 安全的
The world is safe.

to save (v) : 挽救
We saved a little cat on the street.

salt 食盐
I put some salt on the fries.

sugar 食堂
I add some sugar in my coffee.

to cost 价钱为
A bottle of water costs 5 CNY.


go to Shanghai / go to Japan / Go to school….
BUT go home (exception)

Because + S + V…
I am tired because I study too much
I like Ironman because he is cool.
We stayed home because it rained.
I am tired because I did my homework

because of + n / because of + Ving
We stayed home because of the rain
I am tired because of having a lot of homework
I am full because of eating too much
I am full because of the big burger.

thanks to  : 由于
The world was saved thanks to Ironman.
I learned a lot thanks to the English class.

countable (1,2,3,….) vs uncountable (you can’t say 1,2,3,….)
Countable :
Pen : 1 pen , 3 pens , 100 pens.
Chair : 1 chair , 40 chairs, 1,000 chairs.( a few , many)
Cup : 1 cup , 5 cups…
Bottle : 1 bottle , 15 bottles…

Tea (a cup of tea / a bottle of tea)
Knowledge  (little , much..)
Rice (little , much …)
Homework (little, much…)

Use many with countable things / much with uncountable things
Many chairs/kids/games
Much water/knowledge/sugar


  1. How _much___ money do you have?
  2. I don’t have __many__ friends in Los Angeles.
  3. How __many__ people live in your city?
  4. She wants __much___ time off work this month.
  5. How__much__does that book cost?
  6. They don’t have ___much___ time this afternoon.
  7. How __much__ rice is there?
  8. I would like to have __some___ wine, please.
  9. How __many__ apples are there in the basket?
  10. Peter bought ___many___ glasses at the store.
  11. How __much__ gas do we need?
  12. He doesn’t have ___much__ rice on his plate.
  13. How __many__ children are in the class?
  14. Jason has __many / a lot of / some___ friends in Miami.
  15. How __many__ teachers do you have?