VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [W]


You have to introduce your line of lipsticks to a partner.

Writing exercise

To introduce my company and our products.

I ‘m working in a cosmetics company which is very famous in China, we have a widely known brand which is called CHANDO(自然堂), I guess about 90% of Chinese people know CHANDO/ I guess CHANDO has about 90% recognition rate among Chinese people, because of it’s high exposure rate in major media channels, for example, on HUNAN TV, DONGFANG TV channel. Also, CHANDO has a very famous motto ” you were born as a beauty/你本来就很美“, there are statistics which showed that among the people born after 1990, 90% of them know the CHANDO advertisement copy.

Apart from CHANDO, We have 4 other brands. Each of them is very specific / differentiated.

Maysu, it’s called the first original Chinese high-end brand. we had SHUQI as our brand ambassador. She is one of my favorite female celebrities. CHUNXIA is our new family which was launched this September, ZHANGYIXIN is our model. We call this brand: “the first Chinese new retail brand.”, ZHIWUZHIHUI(Botanical wisdom) which is based on botanical ingredients, professional in anti-allergy cosmetics. YITING, it’s a brand which mainly produces professional cosmetics which are usually used in cosmetic surgery hospital(I guess.. I don’t know about this brand, I have just heard a few information about it, maybe it’s not correct).
We gonna have several trade shows overseas, Dubai, Thailand, Korea, India, and so on.


I’m working as a secretary in our company so I have to handling a lot of things.

I’m working as a secretary in our company so I have to handle a lot of things.

I have to do something related to sales. to overseas trade shows.

I have to do things related to sales, to overseas trade shows

Yesterday I went to a villa. He invited some Korean guests and I had to translate for him. We are the host so we have to do some serving job.

Yesterday I went to a villa. He invited some Korean guests and I had to translate for him. We were the host/ we were hosting the party so we had to do the service.

The / no the

I went to the hospital today.

I went to Fudan hospital today.

I went to the gym yesterday.

I went to Terra Fitness yesterday.

I just go in time.

I went to the office on time. (being punctual)



I go to the gym regularly.

to make them think/to make them believe.

I tell them I am 35 to make them believe I look younger.

to expand

He decided to buy the land next to his house to expand his garden.

A diet / eating habits

John has a good diet, he always has salad for lunch.

to be on diet / to try to lose weight

Jane doesn’t want to eat dinner, because she is on diet

Among / in this group/selection

Here are 5 colors, among these which one is your favorite?

Among people born after 1990, 90% know Chando.

Brand ambassador / the face of a brand

Tom Cruise is the brand ambassador of CK.

Brand representative 

I am here to represent Chando. I am Chando’s (brand) representative at this trade show.

The trade show is/happens/is held twice a year.

the market is saturated

millennials/the young generation

Millennials love to spend their day online.

How did you find it? what was your impression?

A: I went to Beijing last week.

B: How did you find it?

A: It was nice, the city feels very special and the food there was great.

market saturation / how “full” a market is 

The cosmetics market in SK is already saturated, there are too many cosmetic brands.


the skull

90 ninety

19 nineteen