VIP Class Notes (Samara)[W]


Write 6 truth and 2 lies and bring them to next class.

Needs more review

Defense: 防守
Rock and Roll music: 摇滚乐
Traditional: 传统的
I’m not sure: I don’t know
I don’t know how to say: I know in Chinese but I do not know in English.
Music Genre: 音乐流派
Pumpkin: 南瓜


Writing exercise

This is a pig. It is hungry. A wolf see the pig, he is hungry too, the wolf comes. But the pig eats the wolf.

I think they are very smart, but they don’t give so they are not very smart.

Sun Yang is a good swimmer, he can swim her fast. Sometime I watch his data, swimming and I see so fast and finish. Three years ago I’m in grade 3 and all the grade three’s people I am number 3. I was a small people and my father and mother want me to swim, have many many teacher. Make me thing, not good because I don’t have any muscle. 

This is a pig. It is hungry. A wolf sees the pig, he is hungry too, the wolf comes. But the pig eats the wolf.

I think the fans are very smart, but the club don’t give the C.RO so they are not very smart.

Sun Yang is a good swimmer, he can swim fast. Sometime I watch his film, swimming and I see so fast and finish. Three years ago I’m in grade 3 and all the grade three’s people I am number 3 in swimming. I was a small people and my father and mother want me to swim, have too many teachers. Make me thin, not good because I don’t have any muscles.


Lawyer: 律师
ex: I have a friend he is a lawyer.
False: 对与错
ex: You are false because my favorite color is green.
Sue: 起诉
ex:  I want to sue you because you killed me.
ex: Shanghai become a town.
abs: muscles on your stomach.
ex: I don’t have any abs.
biceps: muscles on your arms.
ex: I don’t have any biceps.
contract: 合同
ex: This contract is not good, I want a new.