VIP Class Notes (Samara)[S]


Please write using the review

Needs more review

Mentor: A colleague that teachers you things and is a little responsible for you.
Eq: I really respect my mentor.
In the near future: not far future.
Eq: My family and I will go not a vacation to New Zealand in the near future.
Scouting: To go and look out
Eq: We want to scout some machines at the Exhibition.
Brevity: Speak or write your key points with at little words as possible.
Ex: I should speak with brevity.
Financially unstable: People or company who can’t get stable income.
Ex: Men must not be financially unstable.


Stressful: something very difficult and you have some negative feeling of it.
Ex: Today was a bit of a stressful day.
How often?: How frequently do you do something?
Ex: How often do you go to the gym to exercise?
Loyal customers:High trust level customers.
Ex:  Loyal customers are very important for every company.
Leading (verb) / lead (adj) / Leader (n): The person, company or thing that is the most valuable or innovative.
ex: adj. Huawai wants to be the lead company in the cellphone industry.
long period of time: formal. a long time.


Chemical Product


Build rapport: Build trust. Build a good reputation.
ex: The new company should focus on how to build rapport.
Prove yourself: work hard to build trust.
ex: Don’t say anything, just let your success prove itself.
Person to person basis: you choose who you want personally.
ex: A good salesman should find more chances to have a meeting by person to person basis.
Work ethic: How every part of your company works together.
ex: I think this company’s work ethic is very good.