VIP Class Notes (Samara)[S][R]

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please review vocabulary


Needs more review

admit (v):to allow someone to enter a hospital because they need medical care:
uk She was admitted to hospital suffering from shock.
us She was admitted to the hospital suffering from shock.

outcome (n):a result or effect of an action, situation, etc.:
E.g.: It’s too early to predict the outcome of the meeting.

predict (v):to say that an event or action will happen in the future, especially as a result of knowledge or experience:
E.g.: It’s still not possible to accurately predict the productivity for the next year.

accurately (adj):correctly and without making any mistakes:
E.g.: The salesperson accurately identifies customer needs

jog (v):to run at a slow, regular speed, especially as a form of exercise:
“What do you do to keep fit?” “I jog and go swimming.”

detox (n):a period when you stop taking unhealthy or harmful foods, drinks, or drugs into your body for a period of time, in order to improve your health:
E.g.: She went on a 48-hour detox, eating nothing but grapes.
E.g.: a detox diet


nutritious meal: balanced meal
protein:蛋白质 beef and fish,
Grains:谷物 corn,
Diet: what you eat.
eat light:

Speaking exercise

It’s very important for everyone our body need a lot of nutrition. I remember the newspaper told me that some doctors found that people need nutrition to make them better health. Because the foods include vitamin C it is limited, the vitamin c from vegetables or foods. but humans bodies need a lot of vitamin c, if you haven’t enough vitamin c you should buy or choose vitamin c pills, eat it directly. You know as a fitness person my personal trainer told me that I need a lot of protein to make my muscle strong. So I try to change my meal. For example this lunch I choose he beef rice and vegetable and green to mix them together and eated it. But at night maybe I will choose fish and eggs and vegetables. The meal balance is difficult for us / people, because we want to eat the delicious food but the delicious food maybe not healthy with people. If we want to keep our body healthy, maybe we should control our desire for the unhealthy food.

It’s very important for everybody that they get enough nutrition. I remember the newspaper told me that some doctors found that people need nutrition to make them more healthy. Because the vitamin C in foods, you should buy or choose vitamin c pills, eat it directly. You know as a fitness person my personal trainer told me that I need a lot of protein to make my muscles strong. So I try to change my meal / diet. For example this lunch I chose beef rice and vegetables and grains to mix them together and ate it. But at night maybe I will choose fish and eggs and vegetables. Being nutritious is difficult for us / people, because we want to eat the delicious food but the delicious food may not be healthy for us. If we want to keep our bodies healthy, maybe we should control our desire for the unhealthy foods.


Glacier: Glay / Shur
Asian: Ay / zhen
Region: RE / jun
Billions: Bill / ey / uns
Afghanistan: Aff / GAN  / i /stan
National: na / she / null
World: Were/ ld
Said: said and head , sad
Severe: se / veer
Security: see / cure / I / tee