VIP Class Notes (Samara)[R]


Please write about a famous mountain in China, how tall is it? What is it’s height to the nearest thousand? What is it’s height to the nearest hundred? Do you want to visit this mountain? If yes, what would you do? If no, why not?


Continents: there are seven in the world they are big pieces of land that humans live on.
Mountain summit: The top of the mountain


He brought a math book and we are working on page 5 together!

Australia: 2,228 meters / 2,200
Africa: 5,896 meters / 5,900
North America: 6,194 meters / 6,200
South America: 6,961 meters /7,000
Asia: 8,848 meters / 8,800

round to the nearest 10:
113m  = 110
354m = 350
346m = 350
297m = 300
215m = 210

Round to the nearest hundred:
113m  = 100
354m = 300
346m = 300
297m = 300
215m = 200

200 km to the nearest hundred
150 km to the nearest 10th

what is the closes number to both?

215 m 


Kilimanjaro: Africa
Everest: Asia
Kosciusko: A mountain summit in Australia
McKinley: A mountain summit in North America
Aconcagua: South America