VIP Class Notes (Samara) [S]

Today we focused on:

go to the America eat the beef, chicken. America beef is so yummy. Because they cow is so fat. In America there is Burger King. To cooke the hamburger is slow. LA is big, very quiet.


Write a story about your field trip.


Boarding school:  a school you live in
ex: The boarding school is a good school.
International school: A school where at least 50% of your classes are taught in a different language.
ex: When in the International school, we must speak English.
Field trip: 实地考察
ex: I like field trips very much.
ex: I will never join the army.
ex: The girls don’t like boxing.
Fencing: 击剑
ex: I like fencing.
Anime: Japanese Cartoons
ex: There are many famous anime in Japan.

Speaking exercise

My school have another class, cooking, play piano, violin and boxing, and fencing. My house has a small swimming pool. I like paying piano and draw.

My school has another class, cooking, piano, violin, boxing, and fencing. My house has a small swimming pool. I like paying piano and drawing / art.