VIP Class Notes (Rebekah) (S)

Speaking exercise

I am pretty interested in business, because contains it is a little of everything, so you can get involved in every detail (all the details), and financial knowledge. Doing product marketing can also shape you into a business professional.

I would love to create my own cosmetic brand. I have so many ideas. I am really good at creative things, in terms of creating a new product.

[Things I dislike about work]

There are too many processes and if you are going to use a new ambassador, there are so many boundaries. You have to follow the global guidelines, so it limits your creativity.

[The global team] They have nothing to do but bother us.

What are the biggest differences between Chinese and Western consumers? Chinese consumers’ perceptions are you have to do it right perfectly. Chinese consumers want a specifics esthetic. Western people want to look individual.

There is a new trend that is a Chinese make up look. Porcelain skin, red lip, delicate brows, classic Chinese look.

Our boss really wants to expand to male consumers. We want to innovate for man (male) users, but in fact from our studies, the male market is still small, mainly focused on first tier and second tier, most men don’t wear makeup.

Eyeshadow palette contain so many different opportunities to be creative: Example: science fiction colors, to mix culture and IP and celebrities.

Went to France as a tourist.

I can understand most of people. I can understand most of what people say.


Highlighting powder


Cleansing oil



Cremation palette

Break through ideas

Writing exercise