VIP Class Notes (Rebekah) S + R

Van and I worked through some of his schools books on occuptions (firefighter, police officer, nurse, doctor). We also worked on some smaller words like “bun”, “run”, “hut”. Van seemed to have lots of energy and was losing interest with the books so we ended class with a game of Pictionary and he had to draw on the white board things that we had learned in class and his mother and I had to guess what he was drawing.


They love live in a hut

They make some buts buns

There is a jug in zee the hut


Live – Li veee

Buns – B uuuun sss

Actor – Ac torrrr

Student – Stewww dent

Doctor – Dock tor

Family – Faw me lee

Father – Faw therrr

Mother – Maw therr

Brother – Braw therrr

Singer – Sin gerrr