VIP Class Notes (Raph)[S][R]


Simultaneous (adj): 1-  happening or being done at exactly the same time. (adv: Simultaneously)
E.g.: We have several simultaneous projects I need to work on.
E.g.: I work on several projects simultaneously.

Eligible (adj): 1- having the necessary qualities or satisfying the necessary conditions. 2- 合格
E.g.: In most countries only people over 18 are eligible to vote (投票).

Screening (n): 1- a test or examination to discover if there is anything wrong with someone.
E.g.: Women over the age of 35 should get regular screening(s) for breast cancer.

Fatigue (n): 1- extreme tiredness.
E.g.: She was suffering from fatigue.

Overworked (adj): 1- having to work too much.
E.g.: I’m overworked and underpaid.

Speaking exercise


Today I read a article over overworked. This article said after doctors overworked they will make different decision for their patients because there are some research shows that there are more chance to get cancer check if the patient go to hospital in the morning at 8 to 9 o’clock. The chance will be less if you go to hospital at 5pm, because the doctor were tired and overtime worked, so he can’t remember everything to let the patient check.


Today I read an article about decision-fatigue. This article said that when doctors are overworked they will make different decision for their patients. Research shows that there is a higher chance to get a cancer check if the patient goes to the hospital in the morning, between 8 and 9 o’clock. The chances will drop / be lower if you go to the hospital at 5pm, because the doctors are tired, often overworked, and can’t remember everything the patient needs to check.


Decision Fatigue – Level 4 (Source:

The quality of medical care you get could depend on the time of the day you visit a hospital. A U.S. study found big differences in the decision-making of doctors at different times of the day. The chances of getting screened for cancer were higher in the morning than in the late afternoon. Around 64% of women eligible for tests were assigned to breast cancer screening in the hour after 8am. This figure dropped to 48% at 5pm.

The researchers said many doctors suffered from “decision fatigue”. This is a mental burn-out that affects the ability to make decisions after hours of work. A researcher said there was “growing evidence that the time of the day and decision fatigue impacts patient care”. Another researcher said decision fatigue means people may be less likely to make a new decision after they’ve been making them all day. This was often the result of being overworked.


Today always meetings. – Today I had meetings all day.


Biggest: /ˈbɪgəst/

Simultaneous: /ˌsaɪ.məlˈteɪ.ni.əs/

Sketch: /sketʃ/

Photographer: /fəˈtɑː.ɡrə.fɚ/

Photography: /fəˈtɑː.ɡrə.fi/

Photograph (=Photo): /ˈfoʊ.t̬oʊ.ɡræf/

Something: /ˈsʌm.θɪŋ/

Woman:  /ˈwʊm.ən/ plural 

Women: /ˈwɪmɪn/

Eligible: /ˈel.ə.dʒə.bəl/

Evidence: /ˈev.ə.dəns/

Fatigue: /fəˈtiːɡ/
