VIP Class Notes (Raph)[S]


Replicate (v): 1- to make or do something again in exactly the same way.
E.g.: Researchers tried many times to replicate the original experiment.

Replica (n): 1- an exact copy of an object.
E.g.: The ship is an exact replica of the original Golden Hind.

Plot (n): 1- the story of a book, film, play, etc..
E.g.: The movie has a very simple plot.
E.g.: The plots of his books are basically all the same.

Grief (n): 1- very great sadness, especially at the death of someone.
E.g.: Her grief at her son’s death was terrible.
E.g.: Newspapers should not intrude on people’s private grief.

Amateur (n): 1-

Speaking exercise


Recently I’ve been watching Black Mirror all the time and yesterday I saw the series two of the season two. The story is talking about a couple and the husband he is always checks her social media posts always checks her moments and always posts her moments on the platform. And with a lot of new technology like phone, TV, thing. So the story is based on advance technology background in the future. One day the husband was out to go to a market or something but failed to be back. So her wife was very missed him and was being told that there was a new technology app that could search all of husband social media posts so the wife could have communication with her husband, but only exists on the apps. After that they could make the phone call and all wording her husband said just as the normal way he said before, and one day this apps tell her wife that they have a new technology which they could make a model of her husband just like a real person. So they took the order and her new fake husband was being delivered to her room directly. The model was totally have the same appearance, the skin, the hair, the eye, all the appearance was the same as her husband. In the first beginning she was totally scared by this model, and kind of accept that, but in the end he realize it’s just a model and not her husband. The way model did is always trying to pretend the way he husband did.


Recently I’ve been watching Black Mirror all the time and yesterday I saw the second episode of season two. The story is about a couple and the husband is always on social media. The plot is based on the advance of technology in the future, especially when it comes to TVs, phones, apps and social media. One day the husband went out to go to a market or something but never returned, so his wife really missed him. She was then told that there was a new app that, by searching through all of her husband‘s social media posts was able to replicate his online behavior, so the wife could “communicate” with him, even if only on the app. After that she could talk to “him” on the phone and everything he said sounded just as he did before. Then one day this app offers the wife a new technology through which they could make a model of her husband, just like a real person. So she made the order and her new fake husband was delivered directly to her room. The model has the same appearance as her husband, including the skin, hair, and eyes. In the beginning she was totally scared by this model, but after some time she kind of accepted it. But in the end she realized it was just a model, and not her husband and that everything it did was always trying to pretend to be the husband, but wasn’t actually him.


I got a meeting this afternoon – I had a meeting this afternoon.


Sustain: /səˈsteɪn/

Treadmill: /ˈtred.mɪl/

Exercise: /ˈek.sɚ.saɪz/ 

skull: /skʌl/

Iron: /aɪrn/

Fabulous: /ˈfæb.jə.ləs/

Replicate: /ˈrep.lɪ.keɪt/

Replica: /ˈrep.lɪ.kə/