VIP Class Notes (Raph)[S]

Today we focused on:

Grammar and vocabulary.


Simultaneous (n): 1- happening or being done at exactly the same time. (Adv: Simultaneously)
E.g.: There were several simultaneous explosions in different cities.
E.g.: The report will be broadcast in Russian with simultaneous English translation.
E.g.: To drive a car, you have to learn to do several things simultaneously.

While (conj): 1- during the time that, or at the same time as.
E.g.: I read it while you were drying your hair.
E.g.: While I was in Italy I went to see Alessandro.
E.g.: I thought I heard him come in while we were having dinner.
E.g.: “I’m going to the post office.” “While you’re there can you get me some stamps?”

Intentionally (adv): 1- on purpose; not by accident.
E.g.: I didn’t ignore her intentionally – I just didn’t recognize her.
E.g.: She was being intentionally unpleasant.

Please (v): 1- to make someone feel happy or satisfied, or to give someone pleasure:
E.g.: I only got married to please my parents.
E.g.: He was always a good boy, very friendly and eager to please.
E.g.: It always pleases me to see a well-designed book!

Pleasant (adj): 1- enjoyable, attractive, friendly, or easy to like. 2- 愉快
E.g.: a pleasant climate/smile/person
E.g.: a pleasant day/surprise
E.g.: Harold did his best to be pleasant to the old man.
E.g.: It was pleasant to sit down after standing for hours.

Remotely (adv): 1- from a distance. 2- 远程
E.g.: Most of our employees work remotely (= from home, using email and the phone).

Syrup (n): 1- 糖浆

Petroleum (n): 1- 石油

Buddhism (n): 1- 佛教

Sparkling Water (n): 1- 苏打水



Presently I have a plan that wanna go to Ningxia province for my vacation. Because I haven’t been there before, but a lot of friends showed me their picture and their experience about that place. I think when I want to start my own business I should make a plan to travel around of China, which is a go to a lot of different province that I haven’t go there before. I also wanna to Xingjiang, but I can’t find the other guy to go there with me. I worry about security, so I want to find at least three or four people to go there together, but for now no one wanted to go there. On the other hand, traveling is a good way to release pressure from working environment. As me, I always do a lot of things. My friends told me “you looks busy and tired, you should find a free time to rest and go a lot of place”.


Presently I have a plan to go to Ningxia province on vacation. I have never been there, but a lot of friends showed me their pictures and talked about their experiences there. I think that now that I am starting my own business I should take some time to travel around of China, and visit all the different provinces that I haven’t yet been to. I also wanna to Xinjiang, but I can’t find other people to go with me. I worry about safety, so I want to find at least three or four people to go there together, but for now no one has agreed to join me. Traveling is a good way to release pressure from the work environment. I, for example, always do a lot of things. My friends always tell me that I look busy and tired, and that I should find free time to rest and go to a lot of places.


I don’t interested. – I‘m not interested.

I have wake up earlier than before. – I have wake up earlier than usual.

I need to more time to do that. I need to have more time to do that. / I need more time to do that.

I have been resigned for my job. – I have resigned from my job.