VIP Class Notes (Raph)[S]


Industry (n): 1- a type of  business.
E.g.: He’s been working in the marketing industry for many years.
E.g.: The company is trying to expand into a new industry.
E.g.: The cellphone industry is always growing.
E.g.: Annie works in the pest elimination / food safety industry.

Offer (v): 1-o ask someone if they would like to have something or if they would like you to do something:
E.g.: I feel bad that I didn’t offer them any food/offer any food to them.
E.g.: She was offered a job in Paris.
E.g.: Can I offer you (= would you like) a drink?
E.g.: “Would you sell me that painting?” “What are you offering (= what will you pay) for it?”
E.g.: My father offered to take us to the airport.
E.g.: “I’ll do the cooking,” he offered.

Instinct (n): 1- the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to think or learn about it. 2- 直觉
E.g.: Her first instinct was to run.
E.g.: It is instinct that tells the birds when to begin their migration (移民).

DSLR Camera (n): 1- 单反相机

Q: What do you do for a living? = What is your job?
A: I am a sales support assistant.

Speaking exercise


I think buying second-hand is okay. I can accept it. Because some goods maybe are stop producing so I couldn’t buy it on the TaoBao, but this thing I really want to buy it, so I will try to buy it in second-hand. Sometimes I will buy electric products in second-hand. I will buy clothes in new, because I don’t like clothes other people has dressed.


I think buying second-hand is okay. I can accept it. There may be goods that have stopped being produced / that are no longer in production, so although I wouldn’t be able to  buy them on TaoBao, I can  try to buy it second-hand / it may still be available second-hand. Sometimes I buy electronic products / electronics second-hand, but I prefer to buy new clothes, because I don’t like clothes that have been worn by other people.


My company name Ecolab. – My company’s name is Ecolab.

The job is very tired. – The job is very tiring.

Three years ago I just searched a new job and I put my about CV to this company and I got a interview and they pick me. – Three years ago I was looking for a new job and sent my CV to this company. I got / had an interview and they picked / chose / hired me.


Sale: /seɪl/

Sell: /sel/

Spilled: /spɪld/

Stopped: /stopt/

Clothes: /kloʊðz//klouz/

Accept: /əkˈsept//akˈsept/

Past Tense Ending Sounds:

-t Sound:
E.g.: worked, danced, talked, typed, fixed, kissed, helped, looked, laughed, etc.

-d Sound:
E.g.: listened, played, cleaned, offered, called, loved, used, amazed, rubbed, claimed, damaged, etc.

-id Sound:
E.g.: waited, shouted, wanted, needed, pleaded, planted, started, decided, etc.