VIP Class Notes (Raph)[S]


Grow up (v): 1- to become an adult.
E.g.: What do you want to be when you grow up?
E.g.: Amber wants to be a cook when she grows up.

Shout (v): 1- to speak with a very loud voice, often as loud as possible. 2- 喊.
E.g.: There’s no need to shout, I can hear you.
E.g.: My dad shouts when he’s angry,

Useless (adj): 1- not useful.
E.g.: If an iPhone has no battery it is useless.

Polite (adj): 1- 有礼貌 (≠ Impolite)

Sculpture (n): 1- 雕塑


Noun (名词) = a name of a person, a place, an animal, a thing, etc.
E.g.: Amber, Raph, classroom, coffee, computer, table, chair, book, pen, Shanghai, China, phone, bag, water, window, bottle, bookshop, bookshelf, cupboard, napkin, restaurant, waiter, etc.

Pronoun (代词) = a word that is used in the place of a noun.
E.g.: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, my, mine, her, his, our, them, their, etc.

Verb (动词) = an action = something you do.
E.g.: to run, to play, to sleep, to jump, to eat, to swim, to be, to go, to do, to dance, to sing, to walk, to study, to watch, to work, to teach, to shout, etc.

Adjectives (形容词) = a word used to describe (描述) a noun or a pronoun.
E.g.: smart, funny, clever, beautiful, ugly, annoying, big, small, easy, difficult, useful, useless, quick, slow, happy, excited, angry, sad, heavy, polite, impolite, dirty, clean, dark, light unhealthy, etc.

Speaking exercise

Chopsticks | Can | Pepper | Pasta | Vegetables | Crisps


One day my mom and I go to a restaurant. I order the beefs and some vegetable. The waiter give me two chopsticks and I put some pepper on the beef and the beef is delicious. After that I buy a can of Coca-Cola and tomato chips. I go home and eat them.


One day my mom and I went to a restaurant. I ordered beef and some vegetables. The waiter gave me two chopsticks and I put some pepper on the beef. It was delicious. After that I buy a can of Coca-Cola and tomato chips. I go home and eat them.