VIP Class Notes (Raph)[R][S]


Target date (n): 1- the date set for an event or for the completion of a project, goal, or quota; a deadline.
E.g.: The manager said the target date for the completion of the project is April 2nd.

Interaction (n): 1- a situation where two or more people or things communicate with each other or react to each another.
E.g.: interaction between sb and sb –  There’s not enough interaction between the management and the workers.
E.g.: interaction of sth and sth – A great advertising campaign comes from the successful interaction of strategic planning and creative skills.
E.g.: interaction with sb – We select employees who will be good at face-to-face interaction with customers.
E.g.: interaction among sth – The engineering conference encourages interactions among experts in different fields.

Unprecedented (adj): 1- never having happened or existed in the past.
E.g.: This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.
E.g.: She took the unprecedented step of revealing the truth about the situation.
E.g.: Such an event was unprecedented in the 20th century.
E.g.: Unemployment has reached an unprecedented level.
E.g.: This situation is unprecedented in 21st-century life.
E.g.: Crime has risen on an unprecedented scale.

Precedent (n): 1- an action, situation, or decision that has already happened and can be used as a reason why a similar action or decision should be performed or made. 2- the way that something has been done in the past that therefore shows that it is the correct way.
E.g.: There are several precedents for promoting people who don’t have formal qualifications.
E.g.: Some politicians fear that agreeing to the concession would set a dangerous precedent.
E.g.: ​Would it be breaking with precedent for the bride to make a speech?

Pakistan (n): 1- 巴基斯å¦

Bangladesh (n): 1- 孟加拉国

Dame (n): 1- 贵妇人


Calls for everyone in England to speak English

A UK government official wants a target date for everybody in England to speak English. Dame Louise Casey is an expert on community interaction. She said a “common language” would help to heal divisions in Britain. She has criticized many governments for failing to focus on integration as England becomes more multicultural. She said politicians have failed to keep up with the “unprecedented pace and scale of immigration” for decades. Many communities are becoming divided. A lack of ability in English is a factor in creating division.

The UK’s Communities Secretary revealed that 770,000 people in England speak no English or hardly any. He said up to 70 per cent of those were women, mostly from Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities. He said these women were at risk from inequality and discrimination. Ms Casey said: “Everybody of working age and of school age should be able to speak one language, and I think the public in particular would feel some relief.” Ms Casey’s opponents say England should be proud to be a multi-lingual country. It should not force people to learn English if they don’t want to.

Speaking exercise


I had a yoga class yesterday. The yoga teacher comes to our unit every Wednesday. I have two times yoga classes in all. The first time we done some do stress exercises, and the other classes we done some stretching exercises. Some movements the teacher taught us are hard for me. The joints in my body are often feel pain. I don’t know doing yoga whether makes my joints more painful. Some people I checked upon believe practice the yoga make their body more healthy, but some people think doing yoga can hurt the joints. I think I want to try some time and follow my feelings.


I had a yoga class yesterday with a teacher who comes to our unit / workplace every Wednesday. I‘ve done it only twice. The first time we did some muscle strengthening exercises, and the other classes we did some stretching exercises. Some of the movements / poses the teacher taught us are hard for me and I often feel pain on my joints. I don’t know whether doing yoga makes the problem worse. Some people believe practicing yoga makes their body healthier, but some people think it can hurt the joints. I think I will just keep trying for some time and see how I feel about it. .


I don’t eat many meat food. – I don’t eat a lot of meat. 


Hometown: /ˈhoʊm.taʊn/

Buried: /ˈ

Month:  /mʌnθ/

Strengthening: /ˈstreŋ.θə.nɪn/

Exercise: /ˈek.sɚ.saɪz/

Arthritis: /É‘Ërˈθraɪ.t̬əs/

Politician: /ËŒpÉ‘Ë.ləˈtɪʃ.É™n/

Inequality: /ˌɪn.ɪˈkwÉ‘Ë.lÉ™.t̬i/

Unprecedented: /ʌnˈpres.ə.den.t̬ɪd/