VIP Class Notes (Raph)[R][S]

Today we focused on:

We focused on vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.


Food poisoning (n): 1- an illness usually caused by eating food that contains harmful bacteria.
E.g.: She had food poisoning after eating street food.

Lactose intolerance (n): 1- the inability to digest lactose (= a substance in milk).
E.g.: He suffers of lactose intolerance since he was a child.
E.g.: Elena is lactose intolerant.

Harm (v/n): 1- to hurt someone or damage something:
E.g.: Thankfully no one was harmed in the accident.
E.g.: The government’s reputation has already been harmed by a series of scandals.
E.g.: I’m sure he’s well-intentioned – he wouldn’t mean any harm.
E.g.: Modernizing historic buildings can often do more harm than good.

Punishment (n): 1- castigo.
E.g.: Many people think that the death penalty is too severe a punishment for any crime.
E.g.: Drink-driving is one case in which severe punishment seems to work as a deterrent (disuasorio).

Behavior (n): 1- the way a person acts. (v: behave)
E.g.: His parents always punished him with time-outs for bad behavior / misbehavior.
E.g.: The teacher was very strict, so the children had to always show perfect behavior / to behave perfectly.
E.g.: He was behaving in a strange way, so she decided to go talk to him.


Giving children time-outs won’t harm them

There is good news for parents worried about the merits of using time-outs as a punishment. Research says evidence shows time-outs can be an effective strategy to discipline children aged two to eight years old. Parents do not need to worry about their parenting skills if they give time-outs to misbehaving children as they do not harm children or their relationship with their parents. Researchers compared the emotional health and behavior in children whose parents used time-outs with those who didn’t. They found no difference in the children.

Parents use time-outs to modify their children’s behavior. It involves sending children to a quiet space to reflect on their behavior. Scientists have disagreed about the effectiveness of this strategy. Dr Rachel Knight said: “Some reports in the media…have suggested that time-out is ineffective and even harmful.” She added there are claims, “that time-outs can damage the parent-child relationship and negatively affect emotional health”. Dr Knight concluded: “We did not find a relationship between time-outs and negative side effects in children.”

Speaking exercise


I readed and article that who refer about the time-outs for a child. They had a discussion if is time-outs cause negative effect over children or not, or cause harm. When they are punishment the Dr Knight say that this punishment didn’t have effect yes and not. The media says this punishment can be have negative effects in their relationships, but the Dr Knight said it he don’t found a connection.

I agree with Dr Knight. I think the some punishment for children didn’t but relationship with parent or have problem when they grow up.


I read and article that refers to / talks about parents using time-outs for their misbehaving children. They had a discussion about whether time-outs cause harm and negative effects on children. When they are punishment the Dr Knight say that this punishment didn’t have effect yes and not. The media says this kind of punishment can have negative effects on the children’s relationships with their parents, but Dr Knight said  she hasn’t found / didn’t find a connection.

I agree with Dr Knight. I think time-outs as a punishment for children don’t harm their relationships with their parents or cause them problems when they grow up.