VIP Class Notes (Raph)[R]


​Self-centered (adj): 1- caring only about yourself; self-absorbed.
E.g.: Angela is a good kid, but she can be very self-centered sometimes.

Real estate (n): 1- property in the form of land or buildings. 2- 房地产
E.g.: We’re going to buy a piece of real estate.

Realtor (n): 1- a real estate agent (= a person who sells or rents houses, land, offices, or buildings.)
E.g.: I worked as a realtor when I was in college.

Cold Call (v): 1- to call or visit a possible customer to try to sell them something without being asked by the customer to do so:
E.g.: Cold-calling was my least favorite part of the job.
E.g.: We were cold-called by a company offering savings on our phone bill.
E.g.: In this job, you have to be prepared to cold-call.

Well-being (n): 1- the state of feeling healthy and happy:
E.g.: People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of well-being.

Quiz (v): 1- to ask someone questions about something:
E.g.: She spent an hour being quizzed by journalists.

Stave (sth) off (v): 1- to stop something bad from happening, or to keep an unwanted situation or person away, usually temporarily:
E.g.: We were hoping to stave off these difficult decisions until September.


Parents Happier After Their Children Leave Home

People believe that having children is the key to happiness and a perfect family life. This image is true for some, but researchers say that in reality, children make parents happiest when they fly the nest – when they leave home. Researchers looked at data from a survey of 55,000 over 50-year-olds in Europe. The respondents were quizzed about their emotional wellbeing. They discovered that most parents were happier with life after their offspring had left home. Researchers say this could be because raising children creates financial worries, stress, tiredness and anxiety.

The lead researcher, Christoph Becker, concluded that a big reason for parents being happiest when their children leave home is the tables are turned and children provide more support to their parents. The parents suffer from less depression and are more positive about life. Regarding the role reversal in providing support, Mr Becker said: “Children’s roles as caregivers, providers of financial support or simply as a means of social contact might outweigh the negative aspects of parenthood.” He added that healthy family relationships stave off loneliness in aging parents.


Two farm. – Two farms.

Fewer pressure. – Less pressure.

It make me under feel pressure. – It makes me feel pressured. / It puts me under pressure.


Product: /ˈprɑː.dʌkt//PROduct/

Production: /prəˈdʌk.ʃən//proDUCtion/

Produce: /prəˈduːs//proDUCE/

​Self-centered: /ˌselfˈsen·tərd/

Shrimp: /ʃrɪmp/

Opposite: /ˈɑː.pə.zɪt/

Prefer: /prɪˈfɝː/

Preference: /ˈpref.ər.əns/