VIP Class Notes (Raph)


Week (n): 1- a period of seven days, especially either from Monday to Sunday or from Sunday to Saturday.
E.g.: Sherry comes to Smart English once a week.
E.g.: Last week I went to Beijing.
E.g.: Next week I will go to Nanjing.

Hometown (n): 1- the city or town where you were born. 2- 家乡
E.g.: Sherry’s hometown is in Zhejiang Province (浙江省).

Actor / Actress (n): 1- a person who works on TV, plays or movies. 2- 演员/女演员
E.g.: Guang Xiao Tong is Sherry’s favorite actress.
E.g.: When I was little I wanted to be an actor.
E.g.: He is a really good actor.

Sour (adj): 1- 酸.
E.g.: I love eating sour candy.

Hair Salon (n): 1- 美发沙龙

Q: How was your week / day / holiday / weekend?
A: My week was ______.
E.g.: very good, great, busy, boring


Verb To Be – Present Tense (现在时)

You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
You are
They are

Verb To Be – Past Tense (过去式)

You were
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
They were