VIP Class Notes (Raph)


Noble (adj): 1- moral in an honest, brave, and kind way.
E.g.: Taking care of the elders is a very noble gesture
E.g.: They believe they are fighting for a noble cause.

Scenery (n): 1- the general appearance of natural surroundings, esp. when these are beautiful:
E.g.: We stopped at the top of the hill to admire the scenery.
E.g.: I like going to Suzhou. It’s really nearby, but it’s a nice change of scenery.

Overtime (n): 1- (time spent working) after the usual time needed or expected in a job.
E.g.: They’re doing/working overtime to get the job done on time.
E.g.: Everyone is on overtime (= being paid extra for working after the usual time) this weekend.

Overwork (v): 1- to work too much or cause someone else to work too much
E.g.: You look exhausted – I hope they’re not overworking you.
E.g.: He got sick through overwork.

Reputable (adj): 1- having a good reputation and able to be trusted:
E.g.: Fudan is one of the most reputable universities in Asia.
E.g.: I insured my property with an established, reputable company.

Perpetuate (v): 1- to cause something to continue.
E.g.: Increasing the supply of weapons will only perpetuate the violence.
E.g.: The aim of the association is to perpetuate the skills of traditional furniture design.