VIP Class Notes (Raph)


Age-appropriate (adj): 1- suitable or right for people of a particular age.
E.g.: age-appropriate clothing
E.g.: Is this movie age-appropriate for my child?

Phase (n): 1- any stage in a series of events or in a process of development. 2-
E.g.: The project is only in its initial phase as yet, but it’s looking quite promising.
E.g.: We’re entering a new phase in international relations.
E.g.: When I was in my early teens I went through a phase of only ever wearing black.

Regardless (adv): 1- despite; not being affected by something. 2- 而不管
E.g.: The plan for a new office building went ahead regardless of local opposition.
E.g.: She knew it was dangerous to visit him except at night, but she went out regardless (of the risk).
E.g.: This job is open to all, regardless of previous experience.

Concrete (adj): 1-  clear and certain, or real and existing in a form that can be seen or felt.
E.g.: They think she killed her husband, but they have no concrete evidence (证据).
E.g.: We have a general idea of what we want, but nothing concrete at the moment.

Fulfillment (n): 1- a feeling of happiness because you are doing what you intended to do in life:
E.g.: Workaholics can only find fulfillment in their work.
E.g.: He decided to quit because he couldn’t find fulfillment in this industry.


Before 2019 I have some experience in manufacture more than 10 years. – Before 2019 I had more than 10 years of experience in manufacturing.

I think about how old am I. – I think about how old I am.

I use 70% free time to do that. – I use 70% of my free time to do that.

I worry about my sales position which it can’t continue in the future. – I worry that I might not be able to continue in my sale position in the future.

Half a two age. – Two and a half years old.


Age: /eɪdʒ/

Edge: /edʒ/

Decision: /dɪˈsɪʒ.ən/

Career: /kəˈrɪr/

Pressure: /ˈpreʃ.ɚ/

Phase: /feɪz/

Regardless: /rɪˈɡɑːrd.ləs/

Concrete: /feɪz/

Quit: /kwɪt/

Fulfillment: /fʊlˈfɪl·mənt/