VIP Class Notes (Raph) [S]


Relax (n): 1- 放松.
E.g.: I like reading books to relax.
E.g.: Hades likes to draw and to exercise in order to relax.

Speaking exercise


I like my school. My school is big. I have twenty eight people in my class, and I have a Chinese, math, English, drawing, singing, natural science, and P.E. class. I like P.E. class, because it can play ball and skip rope and run. My school have many flowers and grass. I like it. My school is rainbow school. I go to school at 8 o’clock and finish school is 3 o’clock . I have many friends and to drawing and play.


My school is called rainbow school and I like it very much. It is big and there are many flowers and a lot of grass in there. There are twenty eight people in my class, and we have Chinese, math, English, drawing, singing, natural science, and P.E. classes. I like P.E. class, because we can play ball, skip rope and run. I go to school at 8 o’clock and finish at 3 o’clock . I have many friends, and we draw and play together..


To have

I have
You have
She has
He has
It has
We have
You have
They have

To be

I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
You are
They are

I like draw in the paper. – I like to dram on the paper.