VIP Class Notes (Raph)


Neutral (adj): 1- having features or characteristics that are not easily noticed. 2- not saying or doing anything that would encourage or help any of the groups involved in an argument or war.
E.g.: Kelly wants dark red walls, but I’d like a more neutral color like white.
E.g.: If there’s an argument between my daughter and her mother, it’s important that I remain neutral.

Ethnicity (n): 1- a large group of people who have the same national, racial, or cultural origins, or the state of belonging to such a group:
E.g.: There are people from many different ethnicities living in this area.

Suffer (v): 1- to experience physical or mental pain. 2- 遭受.
E.g.: I think he suffered a lot when his wife left him.
E.g.: She suffers in the winter when it’s cold and her joints get stiff.
E.g.: She’s been suffering from (= been ill with) cancer for two years.
E.g.: If you’re not happy with it, you should complain. Don’t just suffer in silence (= without saying anything).

Protest (n): 1- an occasion when people show that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc. 2- 示威
E.g.: There was a protest against the war today.
E.g.: Teachers were protesting for higher salaries.

Arrest (v): 1- to put someone in jail (监狱).
E.g.: If people get caught trying to cross the border, they get arrested.
E.g.: He was arrested after trying to steal the man’s phone.

Physician (n): 1- a medical doctor.
E.g.: I wasn’t feeling well today, so I went to consult with a physician.

Screen (v): 1- to test or examine someone or something to discover if there is anything wrong with him, her, or it.
E.g.: Women over 50 should be screened for breast cancer.

Eligible (adj): 1- having the necessary qualities or satisfying the necessary conditions.
E.g.: Only people over 18 are eligible to vote (投票).
E.g.: Only candidates who have completed a graduate program are eligible for the job.

Burn-out (n): 1- extreme tiredness usually caused by working too much.
E.g.: The company’s employees have been complaining of burn-out.
E.g.: He left the job because he was suffering from burn-out.

Inclined (adj): 1- likely or wanting to do something:
E.g.: Tom is inclined to be lazy.
E.g.: No one seemed inclined to help.

Blame (v): 1- to say or think that someone or something did something wrong or is responsible for something bad happening. 2- 惹的祸
E.g.: Don’t blame me (= it is not my fault) if you miss the bus!
E.g.: Hugh blames his mother for his lack of confidence.
E.g.: Hugh blames his lack of confidence on his mother.


Decision Fatigue (Source:

The quality of care you get from doctors could depend on the time of the day you visit a hospital. A study from a university in the USA found a big difference in the decision-making of physicians at different times of the day. The study concluded that our chances of getting screened for cancer were a lot higher in the morning than in the late afternoon. Researchers investigated the number of women assigned to breast cancer screening. They found that in the hour after 8am, doctors ordered screenings for 64% of women who were eligible for tests. This figure dropped to 48% at 5pm.

The researchers said the reduction in screenings as the day progressed could be due to “decision fatigue” – a mental burn-out that interrupts a person’s ability to make decisions the longer they work. A researcher said his study added to, “the growing evidence that the time of the day and decision fatigue impacts patient care”. Another researcher agreed, saying: “The downward trend of ordering screenings may be the result of decision fatigue, where people may be less inclined to consider a new decision after they’ve been making them all day.” She also blamed overworked doctors.


Nursing house – Nursing home

I don’t like usually drinking – I don’t like to drink too often.

Are they allow Chinese people to go there.  – Do they allow Chinese people to go there.


Expedition: /ˌek.spəˈdɪʃ.ən/

Lebanese: /ˌleb.əˈniːz/

Kilometer: /kəˈlɑm·ət̬·ər

Neutral: /ˈnuː.trəl/

Ethnicity:  /eθˈnɪs·ɪ·t̬i/

Fatigue: /fəˈtiːɡ/


Inclined: /ɪnˈklaɪnd/

Eligible: /ˈel.ə.dʒə.bəl/