VIP Class Notes (Raph)


Identical (adj): 1- exactly the same, or very similar:
E.g.: I’ve got three identical blue suits.
E.g.: The two rooms were virtually (=almost)  identical.
E.g.: My friends George and Michael are identical twins (=twins that look exactly the same and have the same DNA).

Fraternal (adj): 1- relating to brothers. 2- friendly, like brothers:
E.g.: Although they really love each other, their fraternal rivalry is very obvious.
E.g.: The president’s official visit marks the start of a more fraternal relationship between the two countries.

Fraternal Twins (n): 1- twins that do not share DNA and do not look the same.
E.g.: Linda and James are fraternal twins.

Atheist (n/adj): 1- someone who does not believe in any God or gods:
E.g.: As an atheist, I do not accept this religious argument.
E.g.: He had never met an atheist in his life.
E.g.: China has the largest percentage of atheists in the world.

Superstition (n): 1- belief that is not based on human reason or scientific knowledge, but is connected with old ideas about magic, etc. (adj: Superstitious)
E.g.: According to superstition, if you walk under a ladder it brings you bad luck.
E.g.: I don’t believe in the old superstition that the number 13 is unlucky

Introvert (n): 1- a person who gains energy by spending time alone.
E.g.: As an introvert, although I do enjoy spending time with friends, I also find my alone time to be essential.

Extrovert (n): 1- a person who gains energy from and enjoys being with other people.
E.g.: Most sales people are extroverts.

Spectrum (n): 1- a range of different positions, opinions, etc. between two extreme points:
E.g.: He has support from across the whole political spectrum.
E.g.: The group includes students from both ends of the social spectrum (= range of social classes).
E.g.: A wide spectrum of opinion was represented at the meeting.


Gel: /dʒel/


Atheist: /ˈeɪ.θi.ɪst/

Spectrum: /ˈspek.trəm/

Crayon: /ˈkreɪ.ɑːn/

Quill: /kwɪl/

Introvert: /ˈɪn.trə.vɝːt/

Extrovert: /ˈek.strə.vɝːt/

Fraternal: /frəˈtɝː.nəl/

Myers-Briggs Personality Test: