VIP Class Notes (Raph)


Bald (adj): 1- with no hair.
E.g.: Joe’s dad is bald.

Beard (n): 1- The hair some men have on their faces.
E.g.: Joe’s dad shaves his beard.

Lean (n): 1- 倾斜
E.g.: He was leaning on the wall.

Leaning Tower of Pisa (n): 1- 比萨斜塔

Eagle (n): 1-

Jupiter (n): 1- 木星

Ordinal Numbers:

1st – First
2nd – Second
3rd – Third
4th – Fourth
5th – Fifth
6th – Sixth
7th – Seventh
8th – Eighth
9th – Ninth
10th – Tenth


Very before – A long time ago.


Adult: /ˈæd.ʌlt/ /əˈdʌlt/